Thursday, February 19, 2015

Comp Strats--Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Day Twenty-Eight--Happy Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

When You Come In
  1. Initial next to your name on my clipboard for attendance.
  2. Drop your phone in the phone hostage center.  Put your phone BEHIND your name card, please.
  3. Grab your book and your orange sheet.
  4. Get out your orange registration booklet and your registration sheet.

College Preparation
  1. Take a look at the junior board.
  2. Take a look at page 13 of your Registration Handbook.
  3. Here’s general information about what you need to get into the three big Iowa universities:
  4. Here is the actual calculator you can use:
  5. Here is the Kirkwood application website:
  6. What schools are you interested in attending?  Go to their websites, and see what you need to get in!
  7. E-mail Jona Dalrymple in school mail if you need to take the COMPASS test on March 13th.  Let her know you will be there at 1:20 to take the test in Duwa’s room.
  8. Here is the ACT registration form:
    1. Read the DESCRIPTIONS of the courses you’re interested in taking next year, to MAKE SURE you’re signing up for the correct course!
    2. Come back and see me if you need help with any of this!  :-)
    3. If I cannot help you, I will sent you to Guidance to talk with Stender or Ball, or to schedule an appointment.
    4. Come back and show me what you signed up for for your English requirements.

NO LATER THAN 11:00--Read and Relax

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