Thursday, February 19, 2015

Creative Writing--Wednesday, 2/18/15

Day Twenty-Eight--Wednesday, 2/18/15

When You Come In
  1. Sign in, please.
  2. Put your phone in the hostage center.
  3. Have your orange registration handbooks and your registration sheet within arm’s reach.
  4. Mrs. Stender will be here at 2:30 today to talk about registration.

Review Writing Lesson:  Make Strong Paragraphs.
1.      When a new person speaks
2.     Change in subject
3.     Introduction
4.     To be reader-friendly—not just one big block of ominous text
5.     Emphasize a sentence
6.     Conclusion

Dialogue Conventions
  1. Put quotation marks around spoken words.
  2. New speaker = new paragraph
  3. Use dialogue tags sparingly.
  4. You can use “said,” or other more precise words.

  • TODAY’S BIG GOAL:  Apply what you learned from the writing lessons about PARAGRAPHING and about WRITING AND EDITING DIALOGUE.  Please and thank you!

Partner Dialogue Story:  Conferencing and Revision to Final Draft
  1. Open the doc of the first story to read.
  2. Change the Editing bar to “Suggesting.”  This will allow you to make corrections and suggestions, then comment on the side why you did that.  Also, it enables the writers to really think about the change you’re suggesting they make.
  3. Read the story I assign you.
  4. Each partner makes FOUR comments on the story.  (So by the time you and your partner have read that story, there will be EIGHT total comments on it--got it?)
    1. two positive comments--things the writers are doing well
    2. two negative comments--things the writers could make stronger
  5. Repeat this process with the other two stories I give you.
  6. Now you and your partner read the comments you got on your story, and revise your Partner Dialogue Story to a final draft, making sure you can answer “YES” to all the items you copied and pasted at the top of your doc!

  • Mrs. Stender was here from 2:30-3:15 to answer our questions.

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