Friday, February 27, 2015

Advanced Creative Writing--Tuesday/Wednesday, 2/24, 2/25/15

Day Thirty-Two--Tuesday, February, 24th, 2015  
Day Thirty-Three--Wednesday, February 25th, 2015
  • Lunch @12:08-12:33

When You Come IN
  1. Write your name in big letters across the top of each of your stories.
  2. Write “Homework,” then the color of ink you used.
  3. Write “Workshop,” then the color of ink you’ll use today during read-alouds.
  4. Put them in piles where I show you now, before the tardy bell even rings.   I need to get you prepped and out of here quickly.

Workshop Procedure
  1. Circle up.  Everyone is in a chair, sitting up, in a tight circle.  This is academic discsusion time.
  2. Read along on your copy of the story, while the author reads aloud.  Let him/ her read it all the way through with no interruptions.
  3. After the reading, go around the circle, and have each listener make at least three comments (two positive, one negative--constructive).
  4. Once that is complete, you can discuss the story in a more organic way, as long as all comments are focused on the STORY.
  5. When this discussion concludes, start your second story.

  1. Your ticket out the door is the first story your group is workshopping, complete with six to eight comments per page.
  2. Put your name in big letters at the top of the other stories, and put them in the correct pile.  I will check these while you are workshopping your first story.
  3. Send ONE person back to me when you’re ready to workshop the second story, and I’ll have them ready.
  4. Send ONE person back to me when you’re ready for the third story….
  5. Do NOT leave the rooms early.  When the bell rings at 12:21, go to lunch as usual, but do not leave early.

After the Workshop

  • Expectations for homework (prepare)
  • Two readers, ready to read tomorrow, for each group
  • Room assignment

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