Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Creative Writing--Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

Day Six--Wednesday, January 14th, 2014
Early Dismissal--10:25-11:25

When You Come In

  1. Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.

  2. Put your phone in the phone hostage station (back circle table by the windows).
  3. Please grab your manila folder out of the folder holder.

  • FYI:  You all did a FABULOUS job of peer conferencing the Childhood Fear poems!  You were thoughtful, kind, specific, and honest.  I am really proud of you and your excellent work.
  • Have you read the comments you got from your peer conferencer yet?
  • We’re going to revise this piece late next week.  For now, we’re just going to let it sit in our folder.

  1. Read comments on your original pieces.
  2. Put original pieces in your manila folder, and return it to the folder holder.
  3. Put worksheets back in the correct number order in your binder for the textbook.

Writing Lesson Review
  1. What are clichés?
  2. Why are clichés bad for your writing?

  • Six people don’t have docs saved for the cliché research list in the folder.  #1)  The only grade I can give you is a zero; #2) I cannot verify you’re ready to be partnered up with someone today!  :-(
  • Some people don’t have the MLA format at the top of their paper
  • Please remedy this now!  Thanks!

Collaborative Writing Assignment:  Cliché Pair Story
  1. Model—Begin with the End in Mind!

  1. Count on your fingers how many clichés you hear in each paragraph!
  2. Do you see how the writers crammed in as many clichés as they could?
  3. Do you see how the writers told a story?
  4. That’s what you have to do now!

NOTE:  What we are about to perform is an exorcism:
**An exorcism:   “the expulsion or attempted expulsion of an evil spirit from a person or place.”
**To exorcise:  “drive out or attempt to drive out (an evil spirit) from a person or place.”

Big Picture Concept:  Literary Archetypes
  1. Archetypes are story patterns, characters, settings, or plots that we see over and over again in books, movies, plays, TV, music….
  2. Let’s take a quick look at what they look like (class folder, google drive).
  3. You and your partner may want to use these as helpers to come up with a plot, characters, or setting.

Writing Workshop Time:  Cliché Pair Story--I’m posting this information on schoology, so you will have it there!
  1. One person in the pair CREATE a new google doc in the “Cliché Pair Story” in our class Creative Writing folder.
  2. Rename your doc this:  Your Two Last Names—Cliché Story
  3. Copy and paste the Cliché Trio Story Requirements/Grading into the top of your story.  
Cliché Trio Story Requirements/Grading
1.      We used as many clichés as possible to create a fictional story.
2.     We boldfaced the clichés so they stand out from the story.
3.     We used least four sentences of dialogue in quotation marks.
4.     Type between one and one and a half pages.
5.     We doublespaced our story.
6.     We used paragraphs to indicate shifting ideas.
  1. Read each other your list of twenty clichés.
  2. Mark any clichés on pages 8 and 9 you might want to use.
  3. Talk about a possible conflict, or a character.
  4. Start typing your story!
  5. Both people type!
HELPER #1:  Model Story in our class folder
HELPER #2:  Literary Archetype list in our class folder

Reminder:  The only acceptable places to be on your computer today are as follows:

  1. google drive
  3. music today, since you’re working with a partner--conversation and collaboration are the goals!

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