Monday, January 12, 2015

Advanced CW--Monday, January 12th, 2015

3rd Block:  Advanced Creative Writing
Day Four--Monday, January 12th, 2015

  • Read and comment on Rainy Day poems Monday evening.

Just a note to say…
  1. You did a superb job on your peer conferences over the Weirdest Dream poem.   Wow--I’m going to use those as models for the Creative Writing kiddos fourth block today.  I appreciate your thoughtfulness, your detail and specific examples, your kindness, and your honestly.  

Resource Reminders
  1. Remember your poetry elements doc in our class google folder.  You have a personalized doc, all your own.  And you’ve got a variety of elements there to use to craft your own poetry.  Please use that resource to make your writing more powerful.
  2. Our class pinterest board

Deadline Reminders
  1. If an assignment is due by classtime, have it finished by then.
  2. Don’t work on it after the deadline, and here’s why:
  3. We will be working on something in class that requires your engagement and participation.
  4. When I go to “see revision history,” I can see when you worked on it.
  5. One missed homework assignment won’t kill you, and we won’t have homework assignments every night.  If you messed up this time, do better next time.

Poetry Review
1.       Friday we talked about various definitions of poetry—and about how hard it is to define.
2.      You started created your own “Ten Definitions of Poetry” poem in duos.
3.      Remember, here’s what you’re doing when you “define:”
a.     to specify;
b.    to determine the essential quality of;
c.     to determine the nature of

Assignment from Friday to Finish
Duo Poem Creation
  1. Create a poem list called “Ten Definitions of Poetry” that your group feels DEFINES what poetry is to you.
  2. (Each person comes up with approximately five definition lines.)
  3. What do each of YOU think are the defining elements of a poem?
  4. Create it and save it in google docs.  The folder is called “Ten Definitions”.
  5. Save it as your last names, please.
  6. You have until 12:05 to discuss/review from Friday, then start/revise/finish , then start creating your masterpiece.
  7. Re-read Carl Sandburg’s poem.  Did you stretch yourselves to create a poem that SOUNDS  like a poem?
  8. Did you use poetic elements to create your poem?
  9. Started @ 11:48; ending about 12:05-ish!

Computer Chores
  1. Read your e-mail from your Weirdest Dream peer conference!  We wrote our partner an e-mail; now we want to read our partner’s e-mail to us.  This is called “communication.”
  2. Check your grade for this class (and all your classes, while you’re at it).
  3. Put your personal poetry elements  scavenger hunt doc in the folder on google drive, so I can check it, please!  Thanks!

New Duos!  Prep Work--Writing an Incredibly Bad Poem
  1. As a pair, read the directions at the top of page 12.
  2. Discuss and list the elements of a bad poem.   REMINDER--POETRY ELEMENT ALERT:  You have a doc full of poetry elements to use, remember?
  3. There are lots of blanks!  Try to fill them all!
  4. Each of you needs page 12 filled out.
  5. Turn this in to the drawer as soon as you and your partner completes it.
    1. Started @ 12:09;

12:51-ish--BRAIN PAIN!
Where in the Whirled?

In the next five minutes, brainstorm as many words as you can that contain the letters “w”, “h”, and “e”.

  • What is the longest word you came up with?
  • How many words did you think of that contain the letters, but don’t begin with any of these letters?

1:10-1:30:  WRITING ASSIGNMENT:  Tiny or Immense (page 5)
  1. Share it with me, and make sure it’s “CAN EDIT.”
  2. I am the only person who will read it, unless you choose to read it in a small sharing group.

1:30--Homework:  Bad Poem Ballot
  1. I will pass back your page 12 now.
  2. From that page, or from your own brain, determine three important qualities a bad poem should have.
  3. By 9AM tomorrow, please post THREE qualities a bad poem should have. The doc is in our class folder.
  4. Don’t duplicate someone else’s answer.  Duplicate answers will not be counted.  Thanks.

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