Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday, December 15th, 2014--CPR!

Monday, December 15th
Day 37
(Seven days remaining)

When You Come In
  1. Please sign in.
  2. Sit as close to your normal seat as possible, please.
  3. Get out your copy of Animal Farm, as well as your two vocab sheets.
  4. If you don’t have a desk, get one from the library, and put it in one of the rows of three, please.  Thanks.

Vocabulary (Ten  minutes)
  • Discuss your EXEMPLARS on the vocab sheets.  Let’s start with the government terms today.
  • Remember, you need TWO examples for each word.  If you hear one from someone else that makes perfect sense to you, write it down.  But it will be most effective if you think of one of your own--brain research.

Quiz:  Chapters 3, 4, 5
  • ...on paper.

After You Finish the Quiz
  1. Turn it in the drawer.
  2. If you didn’t take the quiz over 1-2 yet, come back, and I’ll get you a paper quiz.
  3. Get on quizlet, and study one of the vocab sets until I stop you.
  4. If you’ve mastered one of the sets, move on to the second set.

12:20?  Today, we’re looking at Animal’s SECOND LAYER.  

Here’s the literal one:

Review from Yesterday (One minute)
  • This is a fable.  What is a fable?  :-)
    • short
    • animals are the main characters
    • fictional
    • teaches a moral or a lesson

Now here’s the FIGURATIVE ONE:


In-Class Reading and Connection-Making
Russian History Reading

  1. Study your Animal Farm vocabulary (two lists).

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