Sunday, December 7, 2014

Friday, 12/5/14--Creative Writing

Friday, December 5th, 2014
Day 31

Welcome to Creative Writing!       

When You Come In
  1. Sign in, please.
  2. Put your phone in the hostage center.

Focus for the Last Fifteen Days
  1. Showing, Not Just Telling
  2. Revision
  3. Rubric Pieces
  4. Sharing Work (small groups; partners)

Writing Lesson:  Show, Don’t Just Tell
1.      Difference between “literal” and “figurative language” (p. 32)
2.     Least Vivid to Most Vivid (p. 32 )
3.     Diction Sandra Cisneros (p. 32)
4.     Vocabulary Variety—reminder
5.   Imagery Emily Bronte (p. 33)

Writing Lesson:  Show, Don’t Just Tell—How to Create Imagery Using All Five Senses
1.      Imagery (Hot Chocolate Sentence)—(p. 34)
2.     Work on this with me now.
3.     Make additions as needed when we discuss it as a class.

Writing Assignment:  Sense Poem (p. 57)
1.      Look at the basic skeleton of this poem on page 57.
2.     Look at how interesting people made these poems in the models on page 59.
3.     Review all the details on your Visualizing sheet you completed yesterday.  I’ll pass it back to you now.
a.     Your lists were solid!  So use them today—you’ve already created excellent imagery for your poem.
b.    Even though you’ve created details on your Visualizing sheet, you will still need to add, subtract, arrange, and re-word.
c.     Use the Vocabulary Variety sheet for help—every word has to be perfect, in this short poem.
d.    Nowhere in your poem should any of the following appear:  I see, I hear, I smell, I taste, I touch.  Make the subject work for you.
BEFORE:  I hear the roar of the tractor in the corn field.
AFTER:    The tractor (the important part) roars to life in the corn filed.
BEFORE:  I see  the concrete stage in the town square.
AFTER:    The concrete stage commands our attention in the center of the square.
4.     Create a doc in the class folder, “Sense Poems”, and call it “Your Last Name—Sense Poem.”
5.     Create a strong Sense Poem, doing all of the following:
a.     Use strong diction (Vocab Variety sheet and for help)
b.    Use CONCRETE PHYSICAL details, not abstractions—pull from your yellow Visualizing sheet!  You’re SHOWING your place—not just telling about it.
c.     Arrange it in an order that creates flow.
d.    Delete any words that aren’t vital for sense.
e.     Use thoughtful line breaks to show the reader how to read the poem
f.      Use the correct MLA format for heading.

Sense Poem:  started @ 2:28; ending about 2:58

  1. Take the quizlet quiz over the ACT words.
  2. When you finish, turn the paper quiz in to me.
  3. Get out your pink partner dialogue editing sheet, and finish reading your assigned stories (four total).
  4. Your partner can join you when he/she finishes the quiz.

  • When you finish the pink worksheet for the dialogue stories, turn it in to the drawer.

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