Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday, October 9th, 2014


Day 37--Thursday, October 9th

When You Come In
  1. Sign in.
  2. Put your pizza money in the manila envelope by my table.
  3. Write your name and the amount you’re putting in on the outside.

  1. Take two vocab pre-quizzes.
  2. Take the 3, 4, and 5 reading quiz.
  3. People who haven’t checked their  Soviet Union test need to do so after you’ve taken the quizzes.
    • Check Soviet Union quiz in a DIFFERENT color of ink than you used originally.  
    • Check if you get it correct, “X” and write in the correct answer, if needed.
    • Write “-” and the number you missed, then put X/8 for your total score.
  4. Turn everything in in the labeled manila folders on my table.
  5. Read and annotate chapters 6 and 7, and add to your character list.  Specifically, make annotations about historical connections--echoes you hear from Soviet Union.

Historical Approach:  Powerpoint and Notes
  1. Okay, put  on your historical lenses, your glasses.
  2. When you take notes today, strive to reach for other texts and visuals.  Try to weave that spiderweb of connections.  Connect the dots!  Look for and find patterns, like Professor Foster says.
  3. Let me show you a little photoshopping Stalin worked up:
  4. Russian Revolution--slides 9-18.
  5. Stalinist Russia--we got through slides 1-7.  We will finish this slideshow tomorrow.


  1. Read and annotate chapters 6 and 7.   

  2. Continue your characters list.
  3. Study quizlet vocab (two lists)--the “for real” vocab quizzes will be on TUESDAY, since that is when we will finish the novel.


Me sure you go to SCHOOLOGY to do the actual plan below, because the links are specific to your block.  Thanks!

Day 37--Thursday, October 9th
3rd Block and 4th Block
  1. Complete the vocabulary sheets for EGREGIOUS, LONGEVITY, TACT, TACTFUL, AND TACTLESS.
  2. Find three GREAT pictures to SHOW what "EGREGIOUS" means, and save them here: Egregious Pics
  3. Save them as "Your Last Name 1," "Your Last Name 2", and "Your Last Name 3".
  4. Find three GREAT pictures to SHOW what "LONGEVITY" means, and save them here:  Longevity Pics
  5. Save them as "Your Last Name 1," "Your Last Name 2", and "Your Last Name 3".
  6. Find three GREAT pictures to SHOW what "TACTFUL" means, and save them here:  Tactful Pics
  7. Save them as "Your Last Name 1," "Your Last Name 2", and "Your Last Name 3".
  8. Find three GREAT pictures to SHOW what "TACTLESS" means, and save them here:  Tactless Pics
  9. Save them as "Your Last Name 1," "Your Last Name 2", and "Your Last Name 3".
  10. Turn in your orange vocab sheet to the folder.

Reading and Annotating Work

  1. Read and annotate "Forecasting Severe Weather to Communities Helps Them Prepare."
  2. Grading Criteria
    1. Write at least one annotation (reading strategy comment) in the margin next to EACH paragraph.
    2. Box words you don't know, look them up, and write a synonym above the word.
    3. Answer questions 1-10 at the end, re-reading as necessary to find answers.
  3. Turn in your completed packet to the drawer.

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