Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Welcome to Creative Writing!  J
Monday, February 10th, 2014

When You Come In
1.           Sign in.
2.          Homework Due = five pics of neighborhood
3.         10,000 grains of free rice are due THURSDAY

Writing Assignment #5:  Around the Block Poem
1.      We’ve talked a lot about diction.
2.     We’ve talked some about using all five senses to SHOW the reader a scene, instead of just TELLING him or her what’s happening.
3.     Today, we’re going to practice using all five senses when we write.
4.     And let’s look at some good details from page 16.
5.     Let’s hear some questions from page 16.

Writing Experiment #5--Around the Block
1.     Writing Experiment
a.    It’s a first draft.
b.   Do your best work…
c.    …but don’t agonize over it.
d.   Work quickly!
e.    Type your guts out!
2.    Take a look at the requirements for this assignment.

Writing Experiment #5:  Around the Block
·      Imagine you’re walking down a block in your neighborhood.
·      Use your five pics (homework from Friday, which should be on your computer) to help you with this.

1.     Write a poem in which you describe everything you see along the way, from puddles to pieces of trash, from lost gloves to chipped paint on the curb.
2.    Requirements— (Started at
3.    Use the five senses
a.    texture (how things feel)
b.   sight
c.    sound
d.   taste
e.    smell
4.   Break it into lines
5.    Do NOT rhyme.
6.    Spacing = up to you (EXCEPT MLA, which has to be doublespaced)
7.    Twenty lines at least (twenty minutes to work)
8.   Check out the models.
a.    Models are not perfect examples.
b.   Models are glimpses at how some people chose to approach this assignment.
9.    Editing Lesson
Review the  MLA format for heading
10. Organization
a.    Create a google doc, and save it in our class folder for “Around the Block Poems.”
b.  Make sure you name it as follows:  “Last Name—Around the Block”.

Started @ 2:17-ish
Ending @ 2:37-ish
When You Finish Typing Your Poem
1.     Do you have at least twenty lines?

Organization Break  J
1.      Grab your folder off the back table.
2.     Does everyone have a bright yellow log-in sheet?
3.     Grab your free write #3, and any other of your papers.
4.     Read my comments.

Once you finish typing your poem, go back and look at the following; make any changes to make your poem stronger (four-five minutes):
1.      Arrangement           (changing order of the lines)    
2.     Alignment                 (…on the left? …centered?)
3.     Spacing                      (..single?  …double?  What looks best?)         
4.     Title                            (Does it add a dimension to the poem?)
·     Tomorrow we are going to peer conference—share this with one other person in here.  If there is anyone you don’t feel comfortable sharing with, e-mail me now!  Thanks!
·     Please have your pics, so your partner tomorrow can view them.

Death of Language—due THURSDAY!
·       Review your scores on the Progress Check half-sheets I gave you back Friday.
·       Review page 21—which we fill out THURSDAY, when this assignment is due.
·       Look in the class folder at Hennigan and Hamilton’s model, if you’re still unsure what this assignment should look like.

Diction Practice—Click on the link on my blog!

1.      Play free rice at your BEST LEVEL (not starting over at Level 1) when you finish.
2.     10,000 grains are due by Thursday, February 13th, 2014.

Welcome to TURBO-ACW!  J
Monday, February 10th, 2014Welcome to TURBO-ACW!  J

·      After you sign in, come see me if you are NOT ready to share your memoir.  Thanks!
Brain Pain:  TWO Difficult Sentences to Write
Let’s check out the masterpieces you’ve created in the class folder!
1.     In the first sentence, make every word come later in the alphabetical order than the one before it (A-Z).
2.     In the second sentence, make every word come earlier in alphabetical order than the one before it (Z-A).
3.     Minimum of ten words per sentence!
4.     Save them in the folder for our class on google docs as “your last name, difficult sentence”.

Big Word for the Week = MEMOIR!
Big Word from Last Week – DICTION!
·       Vocabulary Variety sheet

Peer Conference:  Memoir Writing Assignment
Childhood Lie OR Childhood Memory
1.      Give your partner the purple sheet with your names on it and with comments on them (if you wrote on the sheet).
2.     Partner, turn in the purple sheet by my mug after you’ve read the comments.

Homework Photo and Worksheet Assignment
Homework (page __49__)
·       Find a photo that is special to you.
·       Complete the worksheet on page _49__.
·       Bring the photo and page __49__ (completed) to class with you on __TUESDAY__.

Homework Writing Assignment
1.      Explanation:   Post Secret Post Card assignment on page __43__
2.     Slideshow viewing for models
3.     Supplies: TWO 4 x 6 index cards to each person. 
4.     TWO Post Secret Post Cards are due WEDNESDAY, one to share, one to mail anonymously.
5.     Keep your postcards private—we are having a reveal!  Here’s how it will go:

·      Folder pass-back and log-in.

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