Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Welcome to Creative Writing!  J
Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Writing Lesson Review:  Choosing Precise Adjectives
1.      What lesson did we learn yesterday?
2.     Let’s talk about some of the words you chose yesterday for page 13.
3.     Every time you write, remember that one word can make a difference.  Develop your craft!
4.     Use pages 11-12 for help so you can be more precise and create more imagery.
5.     Use for help “      “.

I’m going to explain the last part first today, so make a mental note!  J

Writing Experiment #3--I Am a Russian Tailor
Thirty Minutes (Ten to explain and model; twenty to type)

Here's the assignment:

1.     Write a poem about yourself that is filled with lies.

2.     Try to make up creative, dramatic lies, rather than saying things such as “I have two cats” or “I love chocolate pudding.”

3.     Your Writing Task:  Write a poem that is a series of creative, dramatic lies!

4.     Don’t worry about what order you put stuff in—just type/write the lies as fast as you can!

Some Examples of Lines—Notice How They SHOW!  (Concrete Details; Precise Diction)

1.           I have dog breath, even though I brush my teeth ten times a day.

2.          I love to wake up early and watch the sunrise.

3.          I have seventeen middle names, one of which is Gertrude.

4.         My imaginary whip sound is the best in the universe.

5.          All the windows in my house are made of titanium.

6.         I think bright red and neon green look good together.

7.          I like it when people whine; it makes me want to hug them.

8.         I had to kill a unicorn yesterday.

9.         I love to lick chalk dust

10.     I heat my house with lightning and ten tiny hamsters chained to an electric generator.

11.       I burned all the books in my house last week.

12.      When I cracked two rocks together, I created a squirrel.

13.      I write everything down fifteen times on pink paper.

Reminders About Your First Draft of RUSSIAN TAILOR

1.      NO BODILY FUNCTIONS!  Please, and thank you!



 Here’s a model of a first draft of this poem:

Money Grows on Trees

I eat no meat whatsoever.

I eat salad for a living it’s all I can find.

When I sneeze pigeons come out my nose.

I love it when bull sharks snack on my leg meat.

Washington schools are nice and brand spanking new. I love them.

This is Sparta.

Tonight I will dine in hell.

I shot the sheriff.

I am so happy that pigs can fly.

I taught them last week.

My house is made of ginger bread and candy cane.

I run a Columbian drug cartel.

I lay eggs in my kitchen sink.

I invented the wheel and sliced bread.

London Bridge fell down last week.

I have two left feet and one is a sausage.

My blood is cherry flavored.

I have a son named Damien.

Two plus two equals chicken.

Alex Meyer

Here's another model of what the poem would look like after it is revised:

The Truth and Nothing but the Truth

I can throw it down better than Lebron James.

I have hit more home runs than Babe Ruth.

I beat Usain Bolt in a race without breaking a sweat.

I decided to make the sky blue.

I invented the just came to me in the shower.

The Apple logo was inspired by an apple I bit.

I was the first to hear Kelly Clarkson’s song “What Doesn’t Kill You” in a private concert.

I have won the Iowa State Fair cattle show so many times it isn’t even exhilarating anymore.

I have been 3A State Champion in the Discus and Shotput for two years straight.

I threw twice as far as everyone else.

It was kind of an off day for me.

I own a panda farm.

I keep them in my basement and then sell them on Craigslist.

I dated Zac Efron for three years.

I ended it because it was getting too serious.

In my free time, I like to take my private jet to my beach house in Hawaii.

I love it when my sister comes home from college and I can get away with everything.

My sister and have never fought  in our lives.

I love wearing dresses and nice clothes.

Sweatpants are a sin.

I despise sleeping.

It makes me happy when I get to wake up at the crack of dawn.

Especially for lifting at 6:25 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

I love going to school.

Getting loads of homework is the highlight of my day.

Especially when I get to stay up till midnight or later working on it.

Summer is so boring there is no homework to keep you busy.

I wish we had school all year around

I have never lied, not even once.

Joni Erwin

Workshop Time

“I Am a Russian Tailor” (2o minutes)

1.      Type at least twenty-five different lines.


3.     Use your vocab variety sheet to help you be precise and descriptive.

4.     Include as many senses (sight, sound, texture, smell, taste, color) as you can.

5.     When you complete #1-4, move on to the items in blue below.

When You Finish the Russian Tailor Poem
1.      Go to our class folder, and find the spreadsheet called “Strongest Russian Tailor Line”, and copy and paste your BEST LINE there.
2.     Check your grade on powerschool.  If you have questions, e-mail me.  (I want written records of all grade questions—please and thank you!)
3.     Play free rice; 5,000 grains are due Wednesday
Ø  Go to my blog, and click on the link to play—make sure you’re in the class group, or your grains DON’T COUNT, and you will be very sad.
Ø  Do NOT start at level one—start at the level you left off at yesterday.  You can do this by clicking on “Change Level”.
Ø  Be trustworthy.  Don’t cheat at free rice. 

Homework = Diction Practice:  Free Rice
1.      Make sure you START at the last level you played on, not at “1”.

2.     Due Wednesday = 5,000 grains

Welcome to TURBO-ACW!  J
Thursday, January 30th, 2014

When You Come In
1.               Please sign in.
2.              PRINT a copy of your DRAMATIC MORNING NOW, QUICKETY-QUICK.
3.              Brain Pain Scrabble
a.     At the top of your paper, write your name, and write the number you’ve completed over ten.
b.    Make sure your answers are numbered.
c.     Turn it in on the circle table.

Class Discussion:  Big Word for the Week = DICTION!
1.     Why does one word matter?
2.     How can it affect your writing?

Banished Words (p. 31)
1.      Create a list of ten words you want banned, along with a sentence or two about why.  Use Tyler’s model on page 31 as your guide.
2.     Save your list in the google docs folder for class as “Your Last Name—Banished Words.”
3.     Work Time = now until 11:45  (If you need more time, please finish for homework.)

If You Finish Early
Ø  Browse the class pinterest board.
Ø  Pin on the class pinterest board!

1.      Next Door
2.     Next Door II
3.     My Library
4.     Loula’s Room

1.      Read your DRAMATIC MORNING passages to your small group.
a.     Each person in the group write down THREE WORDS from the story that do the best job creating a DRAMATIC TONE as the person’s reading.
b.    Tell the reader your three words when she/he is finished reading.
c.     Say one aspect of the writing you enjoyed.
2.     Now it’s the next person’s turn!
3.     Everyone reads.
4.     Everyone comments.
5.     Everyone gives his/her group 100% attention—no phones, etc.

Reminder:  Bring a pass from the office, if you are returning after the bell from lunch.

Playing with Words! (12:37-12:42)
1.      Save the Words!
3.     Guess how you can save words?  Use them!  J  Make your own list, or use one you find.  Keep ‘em alive!

Peer Conference (ending by 1:05)
“What I Did on a Rainy Day”
“Free from Grammar:
1.      Share it with your assigned partner.
2.     Do a thorough, thoughtful peer conference.
3.     Include comments on the following:
a.     Powerful diction
b.    Inventiveness/creativity
c.     Concrete details (five senses, color, examples)

If You Finish Early (until 1:05)
Ø  Work on your banished word list and explanations (due tomorrow, when class starts).
Ø  Select ONE word (from the SAVED WORDS DOC) you would like to see be one of our tweet words next week.  I will have a form tomorrow for you to submit your nomination.
Ø  Pin!

1:05--Brain Pain:  Got a Bee in your Bonnet?

Got a Bee in Your Bonnet?

The word “beekeeper” contains five “e”s.  In the next five minutes, brainstorm as many words as you can that repeat one letter three or more times.

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