Thursday, January 30, 2014

Friday, January 31st, 2014


Nominate your Tweet-Week Word to Save here:
Welcome to TURBO-ACW!  J
Friday, January 31st, 2014

When You Come In
1.               Please sign in.
2.              Make sure you Banished Word List is in the class folder.  About half of you have done this.

Reminder, Writers:   DICTION MATTERS!
One word can make a piece stronger.
1.               Makes you sound smarter!  J
2.              Words have connotation.
3.              Words set the tone.
4.              Words add spice.
5.              Words create imagery.

Playing with Words!
1.      Save the Words!
2.     Let’s check out the words, starting where we left off yesterday, you feel deserve saving:
3.     Guess how you can save words?  Use them!  J  Make your own list, or use one you find.  Keep ‘em alive!

Tweet-Week Word Nominations
1.      Make your pic for the word MOST VITAL TO PRESERVE!  J
2.     Fill out the form on the blog now! 
3.     After lunch, I will unveil the FIVE WORDS FOR TWEET WEEK!

Banished Words (p. 31)
1.      Share your individual lists in trios.
2.     Create a “top ten” to share out with the class.
3.     Copy and paste (quickest way) your group’s ten on a new doc, and drop it in the correct class folder. 
4.     We’ll share these out!

After Lunch
·      Don’t open your computers! Please and thank you!

Tweet Week to Save the Words
·      Check out the Tweet-Week winners for Week One (class folder).
·      Mull over this challenge, to bring these words back, and we will determine guidelines, then start tweeting on Monday.

Review:  Thank-you note/e-mail lesson
E-mail to yesterday’s peer conferencer
1.      Greeting
2.     Specific details
3.     Professional or academic language
4.     Closing/Valediction
5.     Signature
6.     Cc “Kerrie Willis”
·      12:45-12:55
·      PS:  How many of you have created (or already had) a boring, professional e-mail to use for college and work?

Homework Explanation
My Animal (page 2)—Metaphor and Simile
This is a PROSE piece, not a poem, so use paragraphs, etc.

Grading for WE#__5__:  My Animal
1.      The piece is a minimum of 400 words.  My word count is in parentheses beside my name.
2.     I used paragraphs to show my shifting ideas.
3.     I used the correct MLA format for heading.
4.     I doublespaced the whole piece.
5.     I included at least five specific examples to support what I’m saying, and these five specific examples are highlighted in yellow.
6.     I used to replace at least five words I ordinarily use with five more powerful, precise words.  I highlighted these words in pink.
7.     All above items are complete by classtime Monday, at which time I will submit it to Willis on google form.

Welcome to Creative Writing!  J
Friday, January 31st, 2014

When You Come In
1.      Sign in, please.

Reminders About Community
1.      Everyone shares—we grow richer by including everyone.  Your thoughts and ideas make our class better.
2.     Everyone is included.  We don’t have sidebars or inside jokes—that excludes people, and it breaks down community. 
3.     We listen to each other with 100% attention—this shows we value one another.

Word for the Week = Diction! 
Ø  How can one word matter?

Writing a Class Poem (Collaborative Writing)

Grading for WE#4:  Personal Essay, Comfort of Cynefin
1.      The piece is a minimum of 400 words.  My word count is in parentheses beside my name.
2.     I used paragraphs to show my shifting ideas.
3.     I used the correct MLA format for heading.
4.     I doublespaced the whole piece.
5.     I included at least five specific examples to support what I’m saying, and these five specific examples are highlighted in yellow.
6.     I used to replace at least five words I ordinarily use with five more powerful, precise words.  I highlighted these words in pink.
7.     All above items are complete by classtime Monday, at which time I will submit it to Willis on google form.

Homework = Diction Practice:  Free Rice

1.      Make sure you START at the last level you played on, not at “1”.
2.     Due Wednesday = 5,000 grains

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