Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013


AP English—Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Sign in.
2.     Get your Professor Foster chapter back, graded.
3.     Put it in your binder—you’ll need a section for pink.

Homework Comment:

  • Enlightenment Notes were due shared with me by 1:40.  Those of you who did so have grades typed at the top of your notes.
  • If you failed to do this, you received a zero.  This assignment cannot be made up.

View and discuss the information on the following websites:

Historical Background
Ø  What  else do we know from our reading an note-taking last night?

Writing Style


More Background About “A Modest Mouse”
Ø  By considering this information, we are taking a HISTORICAL APPROACH to the reading.
Conditions in Ireland
1.      not an independent country
2.     far poorer than England.
3.     Most people born there were Roman Catholics and employed as agricultural laborers or tenant farmers.
4.     The landlords (landowners) were paid from the produce of the land, at rates workers could rarely afford. 
5.     This ruling class were usually Protestants.  Many of them were not born in Ireland, nor did they live there permanently.
6.    If the laborers lost their work, there would always be other poor people to take it up.
7.     There was no social security system and starvation was as common as in the Third World today.
8.    Swift knows, in writing the Proposal, that in living memory, Irish people had been driven to cannibalism.

Listen to the text here:


  1. Read and annotate from line 104 to line 132 (homework grade due when you come to class tomorrow), then check yourself on shmoop! 
  2. Study quizlet for the fiction terms (quiz = Friday).


Welcome to CPR!
Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.     Please find your seat—with your sticky note in pink on it.
3.     Homework:  tell us about your note-taking info, pretty please!

Review Big Picture
Ø  Based on the title of this class, what skills do you think we’re going to be working on this term?  J
1.      Reading closely
2.     Annotating
3.     Vocabulary-Building
4.     Note-Taking
5.     Academic Discussion
6.    Thinking—I put this last, but really, let’s not forget to think—deal?

1.      Contact THREE current college students.
2.     Ask them to talk about what NOTE-TAKING looks like in their classes:
a.     Professor’s Expectations?
b.    How much are they reading a night?  A week?
c.     Computers/devices allowed—yes or no?
d.    How do the students you’re contacting take notes?

1.      We are all in the class group for free rice—yee-haw!
2.     Vocabulary is the number one indicator or reading comprehension—so we are going to work on it all term!  J
3.     We played free rice for fifteen minute before lunch.

Reading and Annotating:  “How to Mark a Book”
Ø  Read and annotate for fifteen minutes, and then we are going to SHARE our annotations with a partner. :55

Annotation Reminders:
1.      Look up words you don’t know, and write their definition next to the word in the text you’re reading.
2.     Wiki any references you’re unfamiliar with, so you have SOME idea what the writer is talking about.
3.     Check your margins—they should be bursting with notes! 

Pair-Share Annotations
1.      What is DIFFERENT about your marginalia?
a.     Summarizing whole chunk, versus detailed notes
b.    Circled words, but no defs
2.     What is SIMILAR?
a.     Looked up words when we didn’t know them
3.     What have we used most from our pink helper sheet?
a.     Underlining, then put explanations
b.    Parentheses—important things
c.     Summarizing each para.
d.    Commented about agreement
4.     What new, creative ways are we annotating?
a.     Bullet points of main ideas--lists
Remaining Time for Class:  Continue reading and annotating on your own—please and thank you!

1.      Finish reading and annotating “How to Mark a Book”. (due Thursday)
2.     Play free rice, and expand your diction!  J  (due Tuesday, 11/5)
1.      Look at free rice.  What is your most consistent level so far, or what is the highest level you’ve gotten to?  (DON’T SAY IT ALOUD!)
2.     Go to your school google, and in gmail, send me an e-mail with your level in the subject line.


Writing Experiment #2:   Halloween Fiction Story
1.      Select one of the following writing prompts.
2.     Use it as a springboard into your own FICTIONAL STORY.
3.     Include details from the fives senses.
4.     Use paragraphs to show shifting ideas.

Grading for WE#2:  Halloween Fiction Story
1.      YES/NO  The piece is a minimum of 400 words.  My word count is in parentheses beside my name.
2.     YES/NO  I used paragraphs to show my shifting ideas.
3.     YES/NO  I used the correct MLA format for heading.
4.     YES/NO  I doublespaced the whole piece, and printed it two-sided.  (Do NOT share it with me.)
5.     YES/NO  Include details from the fives senses.

When You Finish Your Halloween Story and Can Answer "YES" to the Seven Questions Above:
Ø Come back and see me, and bring your computer!  

Prompts Here:

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