Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

AP English—Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Sign in.
2.     Pick up your journal off the heater, if it’s there.

Reading and Annotation Assignment
Ø  Professor Foster’s “How’d He Do That?”
o   Discuss.
o   So what’s the take-away from this reading?  How does it inform the rest of our term?
o   Hand-In Requirements for Full Credit
§  Put your name at the top; no name = zero credit
§  Put a rectangle around the Nabokov connections your annotated, and label them “1”, “2”, “3”.
§  Put a circle around your definitions for words, and label them “1”, “2”, etc.
§  Turn it in at my candle, please.

Where We’re Heading
Ø  Parody and Satire                                               Animal Farm
Ø  Greek Mythology                                     Various Myths
Ø  Tragedy                                                    Oedipus Rex
Ø  Romantic Literature                                Frankenstein

Ø Note-Taking Practice Today
o  (Daily Grade; hand in at my candle at the end of screen time; no name at the top = zero for a daily grade)

Satire and Parody—Definitions and Examples

Satire and Parody Prezi

“The Poor” in America (Colbert Report)


Actual Brad Pitt Commercial here:

Parody of the Brad Pitt Commercial here:

Music video for “Ridin” here:

Music parody video “White and Nerdy” here:

Music video for “Gansta’s Paradise”

Music parody video “Amish Paradise” here:

Enlightenment Reading and Note-taking (google doc)
1.      Get a copy of the pages for the new unit—purple.
2.     Open the doc called “Enlightenment Notes” on our class folder.
3.     Make a copy of it.
4.     Follow the directions.
NOTE:  We are taking a HISTORICAL APPROACH to Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”, so we need to know a little about HISTORY!  J

Grading Criteria:
1.      All directions followed completely and correctly
2.     Shared with me by 1:40 tomorrow, no later

Due Tomorrow: 
Ø  Finish Enlightenment Notes assignment by 1:40; we had twenty-five minutes to work in class; the rest is on your own.
Due 10/31         Vocab Quiz:  Quizlet Fiction Terms
Due 11/7           Vocab Quiz:  Quizlet Vocab List #5, Week of 10/31-11/7

Welcome to CPR!
Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.     Please find your seat—with your sticky note in pink on it.
3.     Homework:  your e-mail to me about note-taking websites; directions are on the blog from yesterday.  If you haven’t done it, you have 8AM tomorrow morning to complete it.  Otherwise, it will be a zero.

Review Materials for Class
Ø  Small three-ring binder
Ø  Writing implement
Ø  Computer every day, fully charged

Review Big Picture
Ø  Based on the title of this class, what skills do you think we’re going to be working on this term?  J
1.      Reading closely
2.     Annotating
3.     Vocabulary-Building
4.     Note-Taking
5.     Academic Discussion
6.    Thinking—I put this last, but really, let’s not forget to think—deal?

Reading and Annotating
“How to Mark a Book”
1.      Think as you read—that’s part of active reading.
2.     How do you SHOW you are thinking?  Annotations!  I’ve made big margins for you to WRITE IN.  You’re welcome!  J
3.     Take a look at the annotation models—I need you in six groups.  
4.     Okay, take a look, page by page, at the annotation models I’ve given you.  
5.     What do you notice? 
6.    They started out strong, then they gave up. 
7.     Many comments in the beginning, but lazy in the end.
8.    When there’s big paragraph, they paraphrase it into one sentence.
9.    They use arrows, boxes—all different kinds of symbols.
10.  They ask questions.
11.    They define words.
12.   They break it all down.
13.   They identified lots of metaphors.
14.   …lots of short summaries.
15.   What is annotation?
16.  Hard
17.   Detailed
18.  Helpful
19.  Finding main ideas
20. Summarizing
21.   Understanding
22.  Learning vocab
23.  Time-consuming

·      Let those beginning annotation skills you learned in American Lit bubble up to the surface—you will build on them today, and the rest of the term.
·      Take a look at the ways you can talk to the text.  Here is a copy for you!  (“How to Annotate (Talk to the Text).  Pink paper = reading, annotating, advice/strategies
·      Circle up!  I’ll read the first three paragraphs aloud, and then we’ll share what annotations we’re making.
·      Let’s start by numbering our paragraphs!
·     Now, continue reading and annotating on your own.  Get as far as you can in the time I give you in class:  12:37-12:50. 

Vocabulary (12:55-1:15)
1.      Go to my blog, and click on the link to join the free rice group for this class.
2.     5,000 grains of free rice are due by Tuesday, November 5th.
3.     You have to play IN THE GROUP for your grains to count.

Note-Taking Homework (due tomorrow, classtime)
1.      Contact THREE current college students.
2.     Ask them to talk about what NOTE-TAKING looks like in their classes:
a.     Professor’s Expectations?
b.    How much are they reading a night?  A week?
c.     Computers/devices allowed—yes or no?
d.    How do the students you’re contacting take notes?
3.     We will circle up tomorrow, and you will verbally present your information to the rest of us.  Thanks!

Welcome to Creative Writing!  J
October 29th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.     Pick up a yellow packet (your textbook for class), and put it in your binder.

Review Procedures
Ø  Sign in every day when you arrive.
Ø  Check the big screen to see what you should have ready when class starts.
Ø  Bag computers by the time the tardy bell rings at 9:50.

Review Materials to Bring to Class Every Day
1.      small three-ring binder for class.
2.     Writing implement
3.     Computer, fully charged

Review Trust
Ø  ...the cornerstone of this class.
Ø  Flashback to yesterday, and help me come up with a list of ways to be  trustworthy and respectful:
o   We’re making a writing community/environment.
o   If you’re a jerk, no one wants to show you their work.
o   Don’t mock people.
o   Don’t be an ass.
o   Don’t purposely get on people’s pet peeves.
o   Count to five before talking.

Review Portfolio:  Begin with the end in mind!
Ø  I introduced the idea of the Final Portfolio:
o   A collection of your ten best works from the term
o   A project design that represents you as a person
o   Due the last day of the term, for viewing by class
o   Ten/Fifteen percent of your term grade

Writing Experiment #1
Ghosts, Monsters and Bullies (poem)
Peer Conferencing

Peer Conference Preparation
1.      Take a look at a sample peer conferences--solid examples of conferencing:  https://docs.google.com/a/washington.k12.ia.us/document/d/1VrP4fbqRcTGwXYv4M25AetaPqiBU2O41N0XmnFQQv8c/edit
2.     Why is this a solid peer conference?  What’s helpful about the comments Mikayla made to Kyle:
a.     We complimented AND criticized—balanced.
b.    PC told where she was confused.
c.     PC is respectful, not rude.
d.    PC was specific, including grammar and word choice.
e.     PC gave an alternate for something that wasn’t working.
3.     Discuss how to COMMENT on google drive.
4.     Read the Poetry—Commenting, Revising and Editing sheet.
5.     Put a star by three questions you want answered about your poem.
6.    Type those three questions at the top of your poem.
7.     …and now a word about partners—listen carefully.
8.    Share your poem on google doc with the person I assign you.

Peer Conferencing
1.      Read your partner’s three questions, so you know what they most want you to comment on.
2.     Using the COMMENT function, make at least TEN comments on each other’s poems in the margins.
3.     When you think you’re done, count your comments in the right margin, to make sure you have ten.
4.     Finally, answer each of the questions your partner typed.  Type your answer underneath each question.
5.     Bag your computer.
6.     When you finish #1-#4, start page 5 in your yellow packet—Earthbook Reading Assignment.  Earthbooks are on the heater.

Reminder:  The only acceptable places to be on your computer today are as follows:
1.      The blog
2.     The sites/links on the blog
3.     An online dictionary or synonym finder
4.     Google drive
5.     Pandora
Ø  If LAN School tells me you are any place else, you lose half-credit on your daily assignment, which cannot be made up.

Revising to a Second Draft
1.      Read your partner’s comments, then make at least ten revisions to your poem to make it stronger.  Here’s what you can do to revise:
a.     Add words
b.    Delete words
c.     Switch words and lines around
d.    Take out one word, and substitute a stronger one
e.     Make a strong title.
f.      Make all your line breaks strong.
2.     Note:  editing corrections need to be made, but they do not “count” as revisions.
3.     When you think you’re done, click on “FILE”, then “SEE REVISION HISTORY”.  Count how many revisions you made—do you have at least ten?
4.     Share it with me (“Kerrie Willis”) on google docs.

Reading Assignment (page 5) and Earthbook
1.      Read and relax .  (This means you read for enjoyment.)  :-)
2.     If you’re reading a piece, and you stop enjoying it, turn the page!
3.     Did you find a piece you though was really strong?  Or really funny?  Then record it on page 6.
4.     NOTE:  Make sure your reason for selecting it is a well-constructed, detailed, two sentences for each piece you pick.


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