Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, October 31st--Happy Halloween! :-)


Journal Response (Ten Minutes)
“The unread story is not a story;
it is little black marks on wood pulp.
The reader, reading it,
makes it live: a live thing, a story.”

Ursula K. Le Guin

Strategy:  I used a reading strategy called phrasing, or chunking, where you break a long, complex sentence or paragraph into smaller, more manageable bits, to try to understand it better.

Review:  How can we respond to a quote?
Connect:     Relate to it by making a connection to yourself.
Question:    Ask a question(s).
Comment:              Agree with it, in part or in whole.
Comment:              Disagree with it, in part or in whole.
Clarify:        Say what you think it means.
Connect:     Relate to it by making a connection to something else you’ve seen or                                    read.
…or anything else you want to write to show your thinking about the quote

Journal Response Explanation
Share with a NEW person today.  Write your partner TWO specific comments, and aim for academic language in your writing.
1.      At least two detailed sentences
a.     Agree.
b.    Tell him/her if the journal made you think of a new idea/or something you hadn’t considered.
c.     Add on to an idea he/she says.
d.    Compliment their vocabulary—diction!
e.     Disagree, respectfully.
2.     Signed by you
3.     Make sure your name, date and “LeGuin Quote” are at the top of your paper.
4.     Read your partner’s comments, then turn it in by my candle, and pick up a green myth packet.

Foundation Work:  Note-Taking
Ø  Review your three bookmarked note-taking websites.
Ø  Why?  …because you’re about to take notes!
1.      Don’t doodle or play with anything that will distract you from note-taking.
2.     Date your notes, so you can organize them.
3.     Don’t write down everything that’s said—just main ideas.
4.     Make abbreviations for big words, then make a legend for the big words.
5.     Bullet stuff.
6.    If something’s repeated, highlight it.
7.     Listen for specifics, especially if they say it more than once.
8.    Write legibly, but DON’T be concerned about spelling or grammar.
9.    Use symbols to abbreviate.
10.  Keep notes organized.
11.    Skip spaces between subjects.
12.   Listen and watch for key words, voice inflections, etc, that indicate importance.
13.   Be brief—only write down major stuff.
14.   Listen to the lecture summary on the main points.

Greek Mythology Intro
1.      Review your awesome note-taking advice above.
2.     Literary Eras—we’re starting out in ANCIENT TIMES!  J
3.     Unit Overview—I briefly went over this before lunch.
4.     Introduction to Backbone Literature—Greek Mythology:
Title and date your notes!  J
5.     Creation Myth:; annotate page five, rather than continuing your notes


1.      Go to my blog, and click on the link to join the free rice group for this class.
2.     5,000 grains of free rice are due by Tuesday, November 5th.
3.     You have to play IN THE GROUP for your grains to count.
4.     Start two levels below where you started yesterday.

AP English—Thursday, October 31st, 2013
Happy Halloween

When You Come In
1.      Sign in.
2.     Get your Professor Foster chapter back, graded, if you were absent yesterday.
3.     Put it in your binder—you’ll need a section for pink.
4.     Open your “AMP” packet to line 104 (through 132), and put your name at the top.  Lay it by my candle, please.
5.     What did you learn from shmoop?   Yes, we’re going to do this without your purple packet.  J

Vocab Pre-Quiz:  Quizlet Fiction Terms
1.      Let me show you how I want you to set it up.
2.     Only take the quiz once.
3.     Take a screen shot of the results (which are hopefully magnificent), and send them ot me.
4.     Quizlet when you’re done, as the actual quiz is tomorrow.

Parody (Before We Go Back to the Harsh Satire of Eating Plump Babies)
Goonight, Goon (circle-ish, best we can)

Continue Reading and Annotating:  Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”

We read, annotated and discussed line 104 – 208 in class today.

1.      Read and annotate from line 209 – 247.

2.     Study for the Fiction Terms quizlet.


Writing Experiment #3:   Halloween Memoir
1.      Select one of the following writing prompts.
2.     Write a TRUE MEMOIR (memory that happened to you).
3.     Include details from the fives senses.
4.     Use your Vocabulary Variety sheet for help with strong word choice.
5.     Use paragraphs to show shifting ideas.

Grading for WE#3:  Halloween Memoir
1.      YES/NO  The piece is a minimum of 400 words.  My word count is in parentheses beside my name.
2.     YES/NO  I used paragraphs to show my shifting ideas.
3.     YES/NO  I used the correct MLA format for heading.
4.     YES/NO  I doublespaced the whole piece, and printed it two-sided.
5.     YES/NO  Include details from the fives senses.
6.    YES/NO  I used my Vocabulary Variety sheet for help with strong word choice.

Reminder:  The only acceptable places to be on your computer today are as follows:
1.      The blog
2.     The sites/links on the blog
3. or finder
4.     Google drive
5.     Pandora/Groove Shark/iTunes (NOT youtube)
Ø  If LAN School tells me you are any place else, you lose half-credit on your daily assignment, which cannot be made up.

Memoir Choice #1:  What a Fright
Ø  There’s “fun scary” (walking through a haunted house, screaming through a horror movie, riding a roller coaster) and then there’s “scary scary” (being in a car accident, getting caught in the ocean’s riptide).
Ø  Describe the scariest experience you’ve ever had.  Was it fun scary, or was it really terrifying?

Memoir Choice #2:  Halloween Past
Ø  Think about your own early Halloween costumes and rituals.
Ø  Choose a year and describe what you wore, where you went, who you were with and what happened.

Memoir Choice #3:  Best/Worst Halloween
Ø  Tell us about your best/worst/favorite Halloween.
Ø  Bring us along into the story so that when we read it we feel like we lived it with you.

After you Finish and Print Your Memoir
1.    Go to my blog.
2.     Click on the “Creative Writing Free Rice” link on the right side of the blog.
3.     Sign in, and play free rice. 
4.         Come see me if you do NOT have a free rice account yet, please.
5.     You need to donate 5,000 grains by Thursday, November 7th.
6.     Guess what free rice has to do with diction?!



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