Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Hello, AP!                Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in.
2.     Open your journal to a clean page.

Figurative Language Warm-Up
Ø  Open up to the next clean page in your journal.
Ø  Date and title each journal entry, every time.
·      95, 97, 100—discussed the first two; drew a picture for 100

144, 146, 149
·      light bulb       =          intelligence
·      cross               =          Christianity; organized religion
·      heart               =          love
·      rainbow         =          equality; gay rights
·      two fingers    =          peace
·      pink                =          femininity
·      yacht               =          wealth
·      ring                 =          marriage;
·      mountain       =          adversity
·      grillz               =          swag
·      Aztec eagle    =          home

How to Interpret Poetry
“The Nature of Proof in the Interpretation of Poetry,” by Laurence Perrine (pages 33-41)
Some Direction on How to Approach
1.      Title
2.     Audience
3.     Argument
4.     They Say/I Say

What We’ll Do
1.      We will read and discuss, paragraph by paragraph.
2.     Annotate carefully as we go.
3.     Summarize each paragraph (in your own words).
4.     In class as a group, we unpacked pages 33-35 1/2 yesterday. 
5.     Let’s continue!  Getting as much done today as possible means less homework.
6.     We made it from 35 ½ to 38 ½ today.
7.     We will read the rest of the essay tomorrow.

Vocabulary Practice:  Quizlet Poetry Terms
1.      Our vocab list for this week is the Poetry Terms.
2.     I’ve made you a quizlet stack to use all week:

3.     This will replace freerice for this week.  Instead of doing free rice, do the quizlet.
4.     The poetry terms quiz is Tuesday, over all thirty-seven terms.
5.     Join our class now, please.
6.     Bag your computers, and tuck them away.

.  Welcome to Creative Writing!
Ø  Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013
Ø  Writing Buddies Confirmed Thursdays = 10th and 17th—please be here!

When You Come In
1.     Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.  Print out a paper copy of your AROUND THE BLOCK poem now.  Do NOT go get it; I’ll send someone.  Thanks! 
3.  Pick up your manila folder off the back circle table.
4.  Bag your computer.

1.     Checklist Explanation
2.     …time to get your manila folder in order and your checklist completed.
3.     Play quizlet if you finish before the rest of us!  J

Revision:   Around the Block (Handout)
1.     Revise on paper first.
2.     See me when you finish the tasks on the yellow sheet, and I’ll give you a rubric.
3.     Revise on your google doc.
4.     Fill out the rubric, and turn everything in as listed.

Vocabulary Practice:  Quizlet Poetry Terms
1.      Our vocab list for this week is the Poetry Terms.
2.     I’ve made you a quizlet stack to use all week:
3.     This will replace freerice for this week.  Instead of doing free rice, do the quizlet.
4.     The poetry terms quiz is Tuesday, over all thirty-seven terms.

1.     Finish writing and editing Partner Dialogue Stories.

2.     Share autobio poems for comments.

October 2nd, 2013

Writing = Free Write #1 (ten minutes)

Poetry Explication
·     “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”
o  Worksheet with Partner (8:30-8:45)
o  Scavenger Hunt (8:45-8:55)
Poetry:  Scavenger Hunt
1.      Get on google docs, and make a COPY of “Poetry Terms”.
2.     Re-name it, “Your Last Names, Poetry Terms”, then share it with me and your partner.
3.     Review the list of poetry elements with your partner.  
4.     Using the Robert Herrick poem, "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" find as many items from the list, and record them in the two yellow highlighted columns.
5.   The goal is to glean as many poetry elements as you can in your search, and to record a CORRECT example for each one.

1.      Meet in your Vocab War teams, and update your grids.
3.     EACH PERSON needs to fill out an orange sheet today.  (Write your answers on the back of the sheet, if needed.)
4.     Update your team points, and write them in a DIFFERENT color of marker, then put a box around your team’s info.
5.     Turn in your orange sheet to my table when you’re done.
6.     Go to quizlet!  Practice!  (last fifteen minutes)

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