Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

.  Welcome to Creative Writing!
Ø  Tuesday, October 1st, 2013
Ø  Writing Buddies Confirmed Thursdays = 10th and 17th—please be here!

When You Come In
1.     Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.     Please start working to finish your Autobio poem Final Draft AND fill out the yellow rubric thoughtfully—you only have ten minutes. (11:20-11:30)

Reminder:  The only acceptable places to be on your computer today are as follows:
1.      The blog
2.     The sites/links on the blog
3.     An online dictionary or synonym finder
4.     Google drive
5.     Pandora/Groove Shark/iTunes, for a few seconds—not a million!
If LAN School tells me your any place else, you will receive zeros for all assignments today.

Vocabulary Practice:  Quizlet Poetry Terms
1.      Our vocab list for this week is the Poetry Terms.
2.     I’ve made you a quizlet stack to use all week:
3.     This will replace freerice for this week.  Instead of doing free rice, do the quizlet.
4.     The poetry terms quiz is Tuesday, over all thirty-seven terms.

Revision:  I Am a Russian Tailor (handout)

Collaborative Writing—Partner Dialogue Story  (Twenty minutes)
1.     Review the grading criteria on page 13 with me now.
2.     Review the pages for HOW to correctly edit dialogue.
3.     Finish your partner dialogue story.

Google Drive Hint from Mr. Passi:
Ø  Just highlight the word; then  press command + Shift + y, and you will have a pop-up screen with the word definition. I thought students might find this feature useful.

When You Finish Your Partner Dialogue Story—Poetry Vocab Practice--Quizlet (twenty minutes)

Hello, AP!
Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in.
2.     Get your journal, and read my comments on the google doc IF your name is here:
a.     Sam
b.    Jio
c.     Erika
d.    Gracey—re-do
e.     Amber—put your reflection in your personal folder, please.

Vocabulary Practice:  Quizlet Poetry Terms
1.      Our vocab list for this week is the Poetry Terms.
2.     I’ve made you a quizlet stack to use all week:
3.     This will replace freerice for this week.  Instead of doing free rice, do the quizlet.
4.     The poetry terms quiz is Tuesday, over all thirty-seven terms.
5.     Join our class now, please.
6.     Bag your computers, and tuck them away.

Figurative Language Warm-Up
Ø  Open up to the next clean page in your journal.
Ø  Date and title each journal entry, every time.
Alliteration #1
1.      Write the sentences in your journal, and put a box around the words you sub in please.
2.     We’ll share a few of these aloud.

Antithesis #1
1.      We’ll do two warm-ups together.
2.     In your journal, write five sentences that employ antithesis.

How to Interpret Poetry
“The Nature of Proof in the Interpretation of Poetry,” by Laurence Perrine (pages 33-41)
Some Direction on How to Approach
1.      Title
2.     Audience
3.     Argument
4.     They Say/I Say

What We’ll Do
1.      We will read and discuss, paragraph by paragraph.
2.     Annotate carefully as we go.
3.     Summarize each paragraph (in your own words).
4.     In class as a group, we unpacked pages 33-34.

October 1st, 2013

CIRCLE UP, after you get your Bible packet (green)!  Thanks!

First, an important announcement involving quizlet trials and tribulations….

Here was our original plan for this unit—how are we doing? (ending Friday)

Plan for Renaissance and Reformation Unit
1.      Understand the big picture of The Renaissance and Reformation.
2.     Differentiate one era from another.
3.     See similarities between eras, where applicable.
4.     Continue culture discussion.
5.     Read English Renaissance poetry, mainly sonnets.
6.    Examine and apply techniques for how to explicate poetry.

The King James Bible
1.      Why?
a.     Puritans demanded it.
b.    Goals:  beautiful and accurate
2.     When?
a.     1604
3.     Why do we study it?
a.     It’s backbone lit!

Bible Stories
1.      Wisdom literature—literature intended to help human beings find the meaning of life (Ecclesiates)
2.     Psalm—song of praise (Psalm 23)
3.     Parable—a brief story meant to teach a moral or religious lesson

Biblical Allusions and Archetypes
1.      Please get out your archetype packet.
2.     Search the Old Testament websites, and review the allusions:  https://sites.google.com/site/flenglishextras/biblical-allusions/old-testament#TOP
3.     What archetypes do you find?
4.     Record them on your archetype doc on google.

Vocabulary Practice:  Quizlet Poetry Terms
1.      Our vocab list for this week is the Poetry Terms.
2.     I’ve made you a quizlet stack to use all week:
3.     This will replace freerice for this week.  Instead of doing free rice, do the quizlet.
4.     The poetry terms quiz is Tuesday, over all thirty-seven terms.


·      Original Sonnet due WEDNESDAY

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