Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21st, 2013

APillionaries—Monday, October 21st
·      The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros

Homework Due
1.      Put your name in big letters on the top of PAGE 6, then put on the heater, please.  I’ll have them back to you in a jiffy!
a.     Page 6
2.     Regarding your annotations over all assigned pages:  I will take up your ENTIRE novella on Tuesday to assess your annotations.  This will be a major homework grade.


Re-reading Quietly On Your Own (15 minutes)
1.      Review annotations from pages 30-64.
2.     Start filling out page 9 (MOTIFS) and page 12 (STYLE ELEMENTS) in your packet.
Ø  Start @

Class Discussion and Trios                  (20 minutes)
1.      Compare your notes from all the following pages.  Borrow from each other, page until everyone in the trio has all the blanks on all the pages filled in:
a.     8
b.    9
c.     11
d.    12
2.     Let me hear your best academic discussion.

Quiz, then Quiet, Independent Work Time
1.     Take quiz #1—no book allowed.
2.     Turn it in at my candle.
3.     Take quiz #2.
a.     Craft detailed, thoughtful, specific answers.
b.    Use your text and annotations for help.
c.     Use They Say/I Say argument style as needed.  Prove your point.  Prove your answer is the correct one.
4.    Turn it in at my candle.

Homework for Tomorrow
1.      Read and annotate Mango, pages 65-91.
2.     Fill out the Character Chart on page 7.
3.     Take the study guide quiz on page three (in your head) to see if you can answer all the questions.  This will mean you’re ready for any quiz.

Reading Reminder—Annotation
1.      Please annotate the following items as you read, in addition to your own brainy comments.
a.     Mark metaphors and similes with a symbol.
b.    Ask questions
c.     Comment.
d.    Make inferences.
e.     Motifs (an idea or object that appears repeatedly)

Vocabulary Note—Fiction Terms
Ø  There are new terms on quizlet—fiction terms, a whole bunch of them! 
Ø  Final vocab quiz = Thursday, 10/24/2013


1.      Mango Assignments Listed Above
2.     Create a final draft of your essay—due Monday             (10/21)
3.     Vocab War—final turn in on Thursday                              (10/24)
4.     Quizlet = Fiction Terms—quiz Tuesday, Term 2                 (10/29)

Creative Writing:

When You Come In
1.      Pick up a bright yellow Fifty-Word Story handout.
2.     Sign in.
3.     Grab your manila folder off the circle table.

Last New Writing Assignment = Fifty-Word Stories
1.     Colleen’s Model of Original Assignment—review and discuss.
2.     Go to google for your class folder, and pull up the fifty-word stories you liked.  We’ll look at Colleen’s as a model
3.     …remember those?  J
4.    What’s cool about them?
5.     Now look at some more models, and understand the requirements for this assignment. (two handouts)

Revision Preparation
1.     Get out the following:
a.     pink revision direction sheet--re-read the requirements and expectations.  You are responsible for that information.
b.    ORANGE SHEET--look at the FOUR pieces you are revising for a grade.
2.     On google drive, pull up the piece I read for you this weekend, IF I’M GIVING IT BACK TO YOU RIGHT NOW, and revise until I stop you, please.  Remember, revisions are ten percent of your entire term grade.
3.     If you didn’t get your piece back today, revise ANOTHER piece from your four choices.

12:40:  What to Do Now
1.     Fifty Word-Story
a.     Finish them.
b.    Fill out yellow sheet.
c.     Print, and staple yellow sheet ON TOP of paper copy.

2.     REVISE!  J

Ø Monday, 10/21/2013

The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros

Homework Due
1.      Put your name in big letters on the top of PAGE 7, then put on the heater, please.  I’ll have it back to you in a jiffy!
2.     Regarding your annotations over all assigned pages:  I will take up your ENTIRE novella on Tuesday to assess your annotations.  This will be a major homework grade.

Close Reading
1.      Re-read “Sally”, starting on page 81.
o   What does the text say?
o   What do you infer? 
§  Write an “I”, then write your inference next to what the text says.
§  Start @ 8:15
o   TEXT STATEMENT                                    MY INFERENCE
o   “He remembers his sisters and is sad.”                      
§  I would guess that his sister shamed the family in some way—perhaps by danching.
o   “Then she can’t go out.”
o   “Her father says to be this beautiful is trouble.”
§  Because she’s beautiful, she might cause problems with guys later on.
o   “You become a different Sally.”          
§  She’s changing her personality AND HER APPEARANCE from school to home.
o   “…but I want to buy shoes just like yours.”
§  E. wants to be more like Sally.
o   “…not since she called you that name and bit a hole in your arm and you looked as if you were going to cry and everyone was waiting and you didn’t, you didn’t.”
§  slut; whore
o   “…maybe your feet would stop in front of a house, a nice one with flowers and big sindows and steps for you to climb…”
§  She thinks Sally wants to escape, too.
§  She thinks Sally might have dreams l like her.
2.     “What Sally Said” (pages 92-3)
3.     “The Monkey Garden” (pages 94-98)
o   Highlight (Yes, highlight!) any concrete detail you can visualize as I read this chapter aloud.
o   Poster Creation:  you and your partner will use your highlights to create a poster with TWENTY items illustrated from “The Monkey Garden” chapter.  If you don’t have enough highlights, you can go back and re-read for more.
o   Each partner needs to draw ten pics, for a grand total of twenty items.
o   DON’T LOOK at other duos!
o  When you finish:
§  Tape your papers together.
§  Sign your names in an obvious place.
§  Put your poster up in the library with the tape circles I’ve made you (back wall).
o   We will have a gallery walk TOMORROW.
o   Started at 9:12; went until the last few minutes of the block
Homework for Tuesday
1.      Read and annotate Mango, pages 92-end of the novel.
2.     When you get to page 99, “Red Clowns” turn to page 15 in your packet, and fill that in after you read the chapter.  (You will have to read this chapter twice.)

Reading Reminder—Annotation
Ø  Please annotate the following items as you read, in addition to your own brainy comments.
a.     Mark metaphors and similes with a symbol.
b.    Ask questions
c.     Comment.
d.    Make inferences.
e.     Motifs (an idea or object that appears repeatedly)

What’s Due Tomorrow
Ø  Yellow page 15, completely filled out with exact quotes for “Red Clowns”
Ø  Complete annotations for the whole novella

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