Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20th, 2013

AP English Peeps
Howdy, and Happy Friday!
September 20th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in.
2.     Please have your Impossible Thank-You Poem open on google.

Peer Conference:  Impossible Thank-You Poem
1.      Share the poem with me and with your assigned conferencer.
2.     Make at least ten comments on the google doc.
3.     Fill out the rubric for the draft AS IT IS NOW—yes, scores may be low, but this is a peer conference, not a final grade, so be thoughtful and honest, please.
4.     Give the rubric to the writer, please.
5.     Started 2:08; ending _________

When You’re Done, Do One of the following
1.           Play free rice.
2.          Study your new vocab words.
3.         Update your Vocab War pages.

Poetry:  the Metaphor (analogy; simile)
1.      Share the magnificent metaphors you found (google/big screen)
2.     Open to page 6, and number the questions at the end of the reading (in the text itself).  There are four.
3.     Read “Figuring Out Metaphors” by John R. Searle.
4.     With your partners, unpack your assigned question.
5.     In your RJ, construct a clear, academic paragraph answering the question, once your group has decided on an answer.  (Each person writes his/her own response.)
6.    Title and date your journal response.
7.     Have one person from your group share out your answer with the whole class.

·      Review all words eligible for Vocab War.  Remind ourselves what’s possible.
o   Card set #1
o   Card set #2
o   One-hundred Words
o   Ninth-Grade Word List
·      Slap It!
Homework for Monday
1.      2nd Draft of Impossible Thank-You Poem w/at least ten revisions (not simply edits) visible on google drive.
2.     20,000 grains of free rice
3.     Study vocab for Wednesday’s quiz.
4.     Vocab War

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Happy Friday, monkeys!

Before 8:10!
1.      Open your Dark Ages notes.
2.     Type your name at the top.
3.     Type how many segments of the ten you took notes over.
4.     Bag your computer, and run down to the library to print.
5.     Be back in here, ready to discuss “stuff” by 8:15—no dawdling, monkeys!

Big Picture Reminder: 
Ø  Keep listening and looking for resonances, echoes, patterns.  Think about archetypes!  J

What is Culture?
·      For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and food. 
·      For a biologist, it is likely to be a colony of bacteria or other microorganisms growing in a nutrient medium in a laboratory Petri dish. 
Ø  However, for anthropologists and other behavioral scientists, culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns.  The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871.  Tylor said that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." 
Ø  Of course, it is not limited to men.  Women possess and create it as well.  Since Tylor's time, the concept of culture has become the central focus of anthropology.
Ø  Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon.  It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds.  Our written languages, governments, buildings, and other man-made things are merely the products of culture.  They are not culture in themselves. 
Ø  For this reason, archaeologists cannot dig up culture directly in their excavations.  The broken pots and other artifacts of ancient people that they uncover are only material remains that reflect cultural patterns--they are things that were made and used through cultural knowledge and skills.


Big Picture:  Consider the pendulum….
Ø  Historical Overview—Please get out your Literary Eras sheet.
1.      THE CLASSICAL PERIOD                                   (1200 BCE - 455 CE)
2.     THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD                                    (455 CE-1485 CE)
3.     THE RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION        (c. 1485-1660 CE)

Connect Some Dots! 
1.      What’s happening with the pendulum?
2.     Start with the Classical Period, and compare it to the Medieval Period.
3.     What do you think we will see in the Renaissance and Reformation Era?

Ø  Let’s see what happens as the Medieval Period/the Dark Ages is ending:
Ø  Don’t take notes—but listen and think. 

1.      Bingo-ish (elaboration and clarification)
2.     Slap It!
3.     What are all the words eligible for Vocab War?  Let’s review.
a.     100 Words HS Students Should Know
b.    #1-#30 of 9th-Grade List
c.     New list = “to glean”, etc.
d.    Glossary of Greek terms

Loose-End Turn-Ins
·      Yellow template notes—how many pages should everyone have?
·      Staple them, make sure your name is on the top page, and put them in the folder on my circle table.
·      Dark Ages Notes

Homework for Monday
1.      Reading and Worksheet Assignment
a.     Read the worksheet questions over “European Renaissance and Reformation, 1300-1600.
b.    Read “European Renaissance and Reformation, 1300-1600.
c.     Complete the worksheet.
                                      i.     Much of this will be review of what we just viewed, so this step is to solidify some of the ideas in our brains.

2.     Free Rice = 20,000 grains

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