Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17th, 2013

Happy Friday!
Ø May 17th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in.
2.     Grab your folder off the heater.

Turn in all items to your file cabinet folder, please.  Thanks!

Papers I’m Passing Back
(Use the yellow checklist as we go, please.)
1.      Autobiographical Poem Peer Comments
2.     Partner Dialogue Story
3.     Musical Memory—First Draft w/Peer Conference
4.    Graded, Revised Sense Poem  (4th Block Only)
a.     I edited it, in case you use it in your portfolio.  MAKE THE EDITING CHANGES, so it’s clean for your portfolio.
b.    If you didn’t get it back, you didn’t hand it in. 
c.     Look at a neighbor’s paper, if you want to see what you needed to hand in.
d.    Get it to me by the end of the day.
5.     Fifty-Word Stories (4th Block Only)
a.     These were a hoot to read!  I really enjoyed them.  If you didn’t do this assignment, you missed out on a great possibility for your portfolio, in my opinion.
b.    Each story had to have each item from the checklist on it.  You only lost points if I could not find an element in your story.
c.     I edited them, in case you use them in your portfolio.  MAKE THE EDITING CHANGES, so it’s clean for your portfolio.
6.    WE #10
7.     WE #11
8.    WE #13

Gabe’s Portfolio
Ø  When it comes to you, spend a few minutes reading it, then write two positive comments in the box next to your name.  Pass it to the next person as soon as you finish.

Portfolio Thinking
1.                       Which pieces are strong enough to go in my portfolio as is?
2.                      Which pieces could go in, if I revised them next week?
3.                      Google Drive:  put a star by pieces you come up with for #1 and #2.

First, let me share a horror story from last term.  L  It is sad, and you may cry a little….  Don’t be ashamed.

Revision #1  (Prose)
Do not choose the following
Ø Six-word memoirs
Ø Fifty-word stories
1.                       Select ONE of the prose (non-poem) pieces you know you want to make major revisions to, then include in your portfolio.
2.                      Open it up in google (or type it, if it is currently handwritten), and start making changes to make the piece stronger.
a.     Review my comments and/or your peer comments carefully, and think about how they could help you strengthen your piece.
b.    Strengthen the title.
c.     Add detail to show, instead of just tell.
d.    Cut unnecessary words and phrases.
e.     Switch items around as needed to create a smooth flow.
f.      Take out weak, non-descriptive words, and replace them with strong, precise words.  Use your Vocabulary Variety sheet.
g.    Include dialogue, if you feel that will strengthen the piece.
h.    Paragraph the piece so it’s reader-friendly.
3.                      Click on “File”, then “See Revision History”—does it look like you did substantial revision (AT LEAST fifteen changes)?
4.                      Then add the word “Revision #1” in front of your title.

Revision #2 (Poetry)
Do not choose the following to revise:
Ø Sense Poem
Ø Autobio Poem
Ø  Follow all the same steps above, except when you get to #4, type “Revision #1” in front of your title.

Ø  Ten minutes to talk over your ideas for the weekend with your group.
Homework for Monday
1.                       Gather portfolio materials.
2.                      Do more thinking about which ten will go in there.
3.                      Remember, we’re writing a Snapshot Poem next week that will probably phenomenal—that could be your tenth.
4.                      Lay out one page, to see how it’s going to work.
5.                      OR Start building, to see if it’s going to happen the way you envision.

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