Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, 4/3/2013

Welcome to Creative Writing!                                
Ø  Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Before the Tardy Bell Rings
Ø  Sign in.  Thank you!
Ø  Pick up a yellow Cliché Trio tory Comments sheet.
Ø  Pick up your cliché trio story off the heater, the one with your name highlighted.

Sharing Something in the Creative Writing Folder in Google Docs
1.    Anything you put in there can be viewed and/or edited by anyone in this Creative Writing class.
2.    Do not touch anyone else’s work!  This violates the #1 mandate for this class, which is trust.  Be trustworthy.

Sharing:  Cliché Trio Stories Aloud
1.      We are going to read these stories aloud; each person in the group will read about a third of the story.  You break it up as your group sees fit.
2.     You’ll be at the front of the room, with your paper copies, and I’ll have your story up on the screen.
3.     Commenting:  for each story, audience members need to make three comments on the yellow sheet.  Let’s talk about those now.
4.     I need someone to scroll down the stories as they’re being read—who can do that for me?
5.     Put your story and your comment sheet in your manila folder in the file cabinet when we’re done today.

Writing Experiment #4--Earliest Memory (Continue and Finish)

Typing Your First Draft, and Revising to Second
1.    Now, create a new google doc, and type a paragraph or two about your earliest memory (ten-ish minutes) Started: 
2.    Please doublespace, since this is prose (not a poem).
3.    When you finish your paragraph, type these questions at the bottom of your piece.
a.    What colors can I add?
                                      i.     EXAMPLE OF HOW YOUR ANSWER SHOULD LOOK:  I could add the color lavender when I talk about my mom’s shirt.
b.    What textures did I feel?
c.    What sounds did I hear?
d.    What’s my overall feeling about this memory?
e.    Did I learn something from it?
f.      Do I like remembering it?
4.    Ask yourself these questions, then type your answers under each question.
5.    After you type your six answers, go back to your paragraph(s), and add any details you need to, based on your answers (2nd draft).    (ten-ish minutes)

How to Turn Your Paragraph Into a Poem (Ten minutes)
1.    Remember my paragraph?  Now look at how I turned it into a poem.
2.    Here’s how I turned my earliest memory story into a poem. 
3.    What do you notice?


Two babies
Up to their belly buttons
In the immense jet black tub
The girl steps out
Sees her brother, peachy-white
She sees the silver handle
Turns the knob
All the way
Towards the wall
Steam rises off the water
Drifting up to the white ceiling
Baby brother turning pink
Waving skinny little arms
Mom runs in
His savior

Creating Your Poem
1.    Before you do the same, get out your pink Vocabulary Variety sheet, and let’s look at some choices here.
2.    Now you turn your paragraph into a poem!
3.    Note:  Leave everything on the page.  I want to see your paragraph(s), your questions and answers, and finally your poem.  All three are part of the grade.
4.    Print it.  I’ll send someone to get them all in a bit, and then you can turn them in.  Yay!

Printing Reminders—Each and Every Time!  
1.    Have you doublespaced the whole story (no extra spaces between paragraphs though)?
2.    Have you paragraphed the story?
3.    Have you titled the poem?  (It can be singlespaced, to save space.)
4.    Do you have the MLA format for heading correctly in your upper left corner?
5.    Did you print front/back?

Reading Assignment (page 6) and Earthbook
a.     Read and relax .  (This means you read for enjoyment.
b.    If you’re reading a piece, and you stop enjoying it, turn the page!
c.     Did you find a piece you thought was really strong?  Or really funny?  Then record it on page 6.
d.    Finish this page, put your name on it, then put it in your folder in the file cabinet.

o  None

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