Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

When You Come In (Before Bell Rings)
1.     Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.    Make sure your name is on the homework (Earthbook/Academic Fraud worksheet).
3.    Lay it on my circle table, please.
Ø I don’t take late work, so hand it in now, or never.

Writing Lesson:  Clichés
1.     Clichés--page 12—what are they?  Why are they bad for our writing?
2.    Anti -clichés (p. 12)
a.  It has to make sense! (be true)
b. It has to be original.
c.  It has to put a picture in our heads!
3.    Skim and scan pages 13-14, and do the following.
a.    Put a question mark by clichés you don’t understand,
b.   Put a smiley by ones you like (even though they’re cliché).
c.    Put a check-mark by the ones you’ve heard gazillions of times.
4.   I’ll explain any that are still unclear.

Collaborative Writing Assignment:  Group Cliché Story
Model—Begin with the End in Mind!
“Damsel in Distress” 

Directions for Cliché Trio Story Prep: (15 minutes)
1.     Create a new google doc called "Cliché List".
2.    Go on a cliché hunt.  In the next fifteen minutes, browse EACH of the following sites for clichés.
3.    When you find a cliché that particularly strikes you (imagery, accuracy, humor) copy and paste it into a google doc titled "Cliché List".
4.   Number each one as you go.
5.    You need fifteen at the end of fifteen minutes.  

Writing Workshop Time:  Cliché Story
1.     One person in the trio CREATE a new google doc.
2.    Share it with the two partners AND with me (“Kerrie Willis”).
3.    Read each other your list of fifteen clichés.
4.   Mark any clichés on pages 13-14 you might want to use.
5.    Talk about a possible conflict, or a character.
6.    Start typing your story!

Cliché Trio Story Requirements/Grading
1)     Yes                        No       We used as many clichés as possible to create a fictional story.
2)    Yes                        No       We boldfaced the clichés so they stand out from the story.
3)    Yes                        No       We used least four sentences of dialogue in quotation marks.
4)    Yes                        No       Type between one and one and a half pages.
5)    Yes                        No       We doublespaced our story.
6)    Yes                        No       We used paragraphs to indicate shifting ideas.

Ø I will be creating shared folders on google for our class.
Ø I will be commenting on your stories as you are creating them.

Last Ten Minutes of Class = Organization
1.     Pass out green turn-in sheet, and explain it.
2.    You can see from the sheet we do at least one assignment per day that is graded.  If you’ve been in class, you probably have all these items.  If you’ve been absent, you should be reading the blog carefully, and completing the assigned work at home.
3.    Pass back Free Write #1, WE#2, and today’s homework, so you can start getting your packet in order.
4.   Are you missing any items?  You have a day to find them/do them.  Everything on the list is due when the tardy bell rings for class tomorrow. 

Ø None, unless you’ve been absent and need to complete an item on your green turn-in sheet.

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