Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, Februrary 28th, 2013

Welcome to Creative Writing! 
Thursday, February 28th, 2013

When You Come In
1.    Please sign in.
2.    Write “WE#13” next to “Creative Writing” on your homework assignment, then put in on the podium, please.
3.    I need a recorder today, all block, for discussion—any takers?
4.    Do not talk during announcements (2nd Block).

Big Ideas for this Week—Again!
1.         Showing, Not Just Telling
2.         Diction—Have that Vocabulary Variety sheet out every day! 
3.         Revision!

1.         Difference between “literal” and “figurative” language (p. 26)
2.         Diction (Sandra Cisneros; p. 26)
3.         Vocabulary Variety
4.         Imagery (Emily Bronte)--page 27
5.         Imagery (Hot Chocolate Sentence)--page 28

Writing Lesson—(Figurative Language)  Metaphors and Similes
1.    Similes and metaphors are almost identical—they both compare two unlike things.  Similes, however, are less direct.  They use “like” or “as”.
2.    I’m going to give you a prompt, and you finish it with a simile.
a.     School is a ____________________.
b.    My house is a ________________.
c.     My brother/sister is like a ____________________.
d.    My job (extra-curricular) is like ______________________________________.
3.    Pair-share page 60.  I have a partner for you already—you’re welcome! 
a.     Put a SMILEY FACE by the ones you LIKE and think are strong!
b.    Put a question mark or a tongue-face by the ones you don’t really get—they’re not putting a clear picture in your head.
c.     Discuss as a class the ones you feel are strongest.
4.    Pair-share Alleged Actual Analogies and Metaphors (pp. 58-59)
a.     Follow the directions on page 58.
b.    Class discussion

Writing Lesson:  (Figurative Language) Similes
1.         Notes (p. 28)
2.         Simile Columns Overhead

Writing Assignment:  Snapshot Poem (page 67)
1.    Draw a line through the left side of page 67.  This white handout replaces that.
2.    Models—is the writer including the material from the worksheet?
3.    You fill out the white page first; then start typing your Snapshot Poem.
4.    I’ll give you the rubric tomorrow, and we will work on the poem in class tomorrow.

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