Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Creative Writing

College-Prep Reading

Homework Due
·      Annotated “A Modest Proposal”
Big Picture
·      Blog with “Breaking News

The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros
1.      Pick up a yellow packet.
2.     Pick up the first third of the novella.

Journal (ten minutes)            11:30-11:40                  (DAILY GRADE)
1.      USE THE WHOLE TIME!  You’re almost a college freshman—you should be able to write on demand, then then expand!  J
2.     Quick-Write Topic #1—Self-Definition and Identity--from your yellow Mango packet, page 17.
3.     When I call time, pair-share with someone new-ish. 
4.     Write one sentence at the end of your partner’s journal that shows a connection you made, or a comment you have.
Drop this in the drawer now for a daily grade, please.

Quiet, Independent Work Time
1.           The rest of the block is dedicated work time for you.  Work your way down the list of items below—all the information you need should be there.
2.          If you have a question over any of the work, please come back to my table, and we will talk quietly, so we don’t disrupt the class by shouting across the room.
3.         Please bag your computers for the rest of the block.

Reading Reminder—Annotation
1.      How do we annotate effectively?
2.     What are the symbols we use?
3.     Daily Grade:  Read and annotate page 5, “Better Note-Taking….”

Reading—Intro to the Novel
·      Daily Grade:  Read and annotate page 2.

Mango Reading Assignment #1
1.      Start now.
2.     Annotate.
3.     Due Tomorrow for Daily/Homework Grades
a.     Evidence you’re keeping track of the characters, by your notes on page 6 (yellow packet)
b.    Complete annotations over all assigned pages.Keep track of the characters
c.     We will have a quiz tomorrow over pages 3-30.  You prepare for this by (a) reading and annotating, and (b) quizzing yourself tonight with the study guide questions of the first thirty pages (page 3 in yellow packet)

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