Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, 10/16/2012

Happy Tuesday, People! 10/16/2012

When You Come In
1)     Please sign in.
2)     Please grab a pink fluency rubric.
3)     Please pick up a library field trip sheet.

Days Remaining in Term:  8!
T                10/16       Workshop with Mrs. Hippen
W              10/17       Fluency Final Preparation w/Books;               (1:10 Dism) 
TH            10/18       Fluency Final Preparation w/Books (Rockwell visit for some class members)  
F                10/19       Fluency Final Preparation w/Books
M              10/22       Performances for WHS Staff; Fluency Final Preparation w/Books
T                10/23       Final with Stewart Kids
·       Tiffiany and Destiny not here
·       Madonna
W              10/24       Final with Stewart Kids
·       Conference Vocal Festival (Nick?)
TH            10/25       (END OF TERM)
·       FFA Convention (Chase; Craig? Holly?)

1)     Look at the Fluency Rubric again—these are our FOUR TARGETS for the performance final.
2)     Review from yesterday:  WHY are SUPER SIGNALS important?
3)     Today, we’re going to listen to someone read to us who can perform at a “4” level in these categories:  Mrs. Hippen.
4)     We’re going to select THREE books to read to our kiddos.

Goal #1:  To hear a fluent reader and to see what our performance goal is
Goal #2:  To select three books to read to kids at Stewart next week.

Fluency Final Preparation--Organization
1)     Fill out the partner choice handout.
2)     No one will see this but me.

Organization—On Your Own and Quiet, Please
1)     Get your papers back.
2)     Put the in the appropriate section (See your purple syllabus for help.)
3)     Put each section in DATE ORDER.
4)     I will take this next week for an organization grade.
5)     Dates and What to Do With Stuff:
a.          Recycle:          Purple proofing photopeach
b.          Recycle:          Photopeach directions red sheet
c.           Recycle:          Mid-Term sheet
d.     Making Inferences—Silk Stockings         10/1
e.     Circuitous/augment                                        8/24
f.      Tenacious                                                                              8/2
g.     Encroach/connoisseur                                                    9/5
h.     Germinate/holocaust                                                       9/7
i.       Scrutizine/embellish                                       9/12
j.       Exasperation/inconsequential
k.     Photopeach red sheet               
l.       Reviewing children’s books                        10/11)
m.    Big Strategy list                                                                  right after syllabus

Before You Leave
Give me at the door
1)     Pink Fluency Final Prep with Mrs. Hippen
2)     Partner Choices

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