Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Welcome to Creative Writing! 
·       6                Days remaining for SENIORS
·       10              Days remaining for JUNIORS

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in at the circle table.
2.     Open up to page 52, please (blue section).

Big Ideas for this Week
1.      Showing, Not Just Telling
2.     Diction—Have that Vocabulary Variety sheet out every day!  
3.     Revision!

1.      Difference between “literal” and “figurative” language (p. 52)
2.     Diction (Sandra Cisneros; p. 52)
3.     Vocabulary Variety—We took this page out and put it at the first of the new section of our textbook--we'll be using it a lot with this unit!
4.     Imagery (Emily Bronte)--page 53
5.     Imagery (Hot Chocolate Sentence)--page 54

Writing Lesson #1—Metaphors and Similes
1.      Pair-share page 64.  I have a partner for you already—you’re welcome!  J
a.     Put a SMILEY FACE by the ones you LIKE and think are strong!
b.     Put a question mark or a tongue-face by the ones you don’t really get—they’re not putting a clear picture in your head.
2.     Discuss as a class the ones you feel are strongest.
3.     Pair-share Alleged Actual Analogies and Metaphors (pp. 65-6)
4.     Discuss as a class the ones that went most wrong, and why.

Writing Lesson #2:  Similes
·       Notes:  Page 54
·       Simile Columns Overhead

Writing Assignment:  Simile Poem
1.      Take a look at the expectations for this assignment to see how to do it.
2.     Read models from previous years for ideas.
3.     Brainstorm using one concrete idea, then making comparisons about it (School Pic)
4.     Columns—can you see how one is LIKE the other?

After Lunch
Peer Conference
·       Early Memory Second Draft
·       Grab your Second Draft off the circle table when you come in!
·       Grab a gold sheet off the chair when you come in as well!

12:38-12:50-ish      =                THOUGHTFUL PEER CONFERENCE
12:50-ish                                    =                Final Rubric Review (bright yellow sheet)
12:55-1:10                 =                All items below:

1.      Revise your piece to FINAL DRAFT form.
2.     Fill out your rubric carefully.
3.     Print your final copy to 212, front and back, and go pick it up.  Get anyone else’s whose is there, please!  J
4.          If you are ready to turn it in today, you can do so; HOWEVER, this is a major prose grade.  If you can make it stronger by working on it tonight, or tomorrow during seminar, do so. 
5.     All directions for turn-in are on your rubric, so please do not ask any questions about stapling order—thank you!
Homework            =                Anything above you don’t finish in class.

If you finish early, please work on your portfolio and/or revisions for portfolio pieces.

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