Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012


Today, I am asking you to work on several different college-level skills:
1.      Managing your time
2.     Following directions
3.     Using technology to enhance your own learning and exploration (web links; google docs)

I am asking you to work on several different writing skills:
1.      Writing a personal essay
2.     Thinking about diction—word choice—and how it makes a difference
3.     Writing several six-word memoirs

While you are working your guts out today reading and writing, I am going to be calling you back one at a time to read your Earliest Memory Poem aloud to me.  No worries!  I have the copy, and when someone touches you on the shoulder, all you need to do is come back to my desk, and have a seat (in a chair, not on my desk).  :-)

Assignment #1:  Writing Experiment #4       (Twenty Minutes—Time Yourself!)
1.      Grab an iBook, and type for twenty minutes on ONE of the following options.
2.     Use the MLA formate for heading, and doublespace this, since it’s prose, not a poem.
3.     Save, print FRONT/BACK to room 212.  One person go over at the end of writing time and get them, so we don’t interrupt Ms. Flattery twenty times, please.
4.     Put this assignment in the folder on my desk, please!

OPTION #1:  The Big Event
·       When a special event is on the horizon, people plan for it and get excited about it.  Maybe it’s a dance, an election, a family event, a party, a birthday, or an important sports game.
·       Think of a special event that you planned for a looked forward to that turned out much differently from what you expected.  Write about what you expected would happen and what actually happened.

OPTION #2:  Holiday Cheer
·       What is your favorite holiday?  What is your least favorite holiday?  Write about two memorable holiday experiences, one from your favorite holiday and one from your least favorite.

OPTION #3:  What a Fright
·       There’s “fun scary” (walking through a haunted house, screaming through a horror movie, riding a roller coaster) and then there’s “scary scary” (being in a car accident, getting caught in the ocean’s riptide).
·       Describe the scariest experience you’ve ever had.  Was it fun scary, or was it really terrifying?

Assignment #2—Save the Words!                                                                                                (Fifteen Mintues)
1.      Go to the website below, and browse the list of words that this organization is trying to save.
2.     After you browse for fifteen minutes, find THREE that you want to save.
3.     Get in google docs, and get into the collection for your Creative Writing class.
4.     Find the document called, “Save the Words, 2012”, and open it.
5.     I’ve modeled how I want you to input your words you’re going to save.
6.     Type the word, the part of speech, and the definition, then a sentence about why you want to save it.
7.     Don’t type over someone else’s work!

Assignment #3:  The Six-Word Memoir                                                                                         (Thirty Minutes)


Rumor has it that when writer Ernest Hemingway was asked to write a short, short story, he penned this:
“Pair of baby shoes:  never worn.”

That’s only six words, but it tells a story.

Fifteen Minutes (Reading)
1.      Explore the six-word memoirs and stories here:  BE PATIENT--THE LINK TAKES A MINUTE TO LOAD!
3.     Read people’s memoirs.  You can browse, or you can click on a certain subject area, if you’re interested in memoirs on one topic.
4.     Post your FAVORITE classroom appropriate six-word memoir in google docs in the document named, “Favorite Six-Word Memoir”.

Fifteen Minutes (Writing)
1.      Create/type THREE six-word memoirs--that way, you can do a funny one, a serious one, and whatever else you come up with.
2.     Use the MLA heading on your six-word memoirs, type all three on one page, make sure they’re saved in YOUR google docs, print them, then put them in the drawer.

·       None (…unless you didn’t complete the above assignments in class; then you have homework.)

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