Monday, February 27, 2012

Friday, 2/24/2012 (Last Start Due to Weather)


Thank you for the card, guys.  That was the first thing I saw when I walked in this morning.  Again, thank you.

Organization and Reflection
1.      How are we doing?
2.     Where are we?
3.     Where do we go from here?

Individual Conferences and Writing Workskhop (Autobio Poem)
1.      Today, I’m thinking I’d like to talk to each of you individually.  We’ll go through your writing from the last week, and you can let me know how things are going.
2.     While I’m talking with people individually, how about you guys work on your Autobiographical Poems?  Normally, I show a bunch more models than just the one in the book, and I think it will help you to see two more models (more, if you want).
3.     So take a look at pages 38-9 again for a refresher, and then continue working on your Autobiographical Poem.
4.     Print a copy, then staple it on top of your first draft. 
5.     At ten minutes until the end of the block, we’ll go to the printer!
7.     Do we still need time to decorate the Artful Compliment Containers?  If so, you could work on those, too.

·       None

Advanced Creative Writing
Thank you for the card, guys.  That was the first thing I saw when I walked in this morning.  Again, thank you.

1.      Where have we been?  Let’s talk about what we’ve been doing, what we need to share out, etc.
a.     Love Class Poem (#3)—we shared them, and they were good (except the one Ryan messed up).
b.    We read Maus and did the worksheet and discussed it.
c.     We finished creating our Graphic Memoirs. 
d.    We each did a Smith Mag memoir (choice of three).
                                      i.     Group of 4-5 to share out  (These are on google docs.)
                                    ii.     Need a comment sheet.
e.     Timed Writing (x 2)
                                      i.     I’ll have you select ONE for me to read and comment on.
f.      We did a giant Apples to Apples tournament.
                                      i.     We would like to do another tourney of that today.
g.     We read and annotated the George Orwell “Why I Write”.  We answered the questions on google docs with our partners.
                                      i.     We will discuss this Monday.
2.     Where do we want to go?
a.     Short Story (8 days)
b.    Children’s Story--I went over the materials for this unit, and we agreed we wanted to dedicate a chunk of our remaining time to this.
I contacted Mrs. Murphy (2nd grade), and she's in!

After Lunch
1.      Apples to Apples—finish at 12:40
2.     Memoir Small Group Sharing (12:45-1:10)

·      None

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