Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012 (Early Dismissal)

Welcome to Creative Writing!

When You Come In
1.      Please sign in.

Writing Lesson:  Choosing Precise Adjectives (p. 16)
1.      We will conduct several highly scientific experiments.
2.     Revise the sentences here to create a precise image in each sentence.
3.     Ten minutes:  Start:  8:32  End:  8:42-ish
4.     Trade for two smileys and initials.
5.     Trade THREE TIMES.
6.     Share your STRONGEST answer when your number comes up.

Writing Lesson #2:Vocabulary Variety (pink handout)
1.      Put it someplace prominent and safe in your binder.
2.     Use it anytime you have a writing assignment.

Sharing Something in the Creative Writing Folder in Google Docs
1.      Let me show you how to do this today.
2.     Anything you put in there can be viewed by anyone in this Creative Writing class.
3.     Do not touch anyone else’s work!  This violates the #1 mandate for this class, which is trust.  Be trustworthy.
4.     Look at the documents you’ll need for Thursday and Friday!

·       None



When You Come In
1.      Please sign in on the 3rd Block clipboard.

Poetry Reminder
·       Poetry Elements (on google docs)
·       Check out the big list we made 1/18/12.  Do we have anything to add today?  J

Writing Experiment:  Three Silent Things (p. 4)
o   Create two cinquains, and save them in your google docs.
o   Choose one to share aloud with the class.
o   Drop it in the class folder called “Cinquains”.

Diction Sharing and Discussion--Apparent Contradictions
o   “2012 Oxymorons”
o   Choose FIVE to define (no duplicates; if someone is already writing on one, you pick another one)
o   Figurative language versus literal language

Poetry Sharing and Discussion
1.      One Poem, Three Ways
a.     Line length
b.     Endline (word at the end of each line)
c.     Enjambment (when the meaning of the line spills over from one line to the next)

Brain Pain! 
o   Got a Bee in Your Bonnet?

·       None

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