Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011


·       Review what we should have been learning for Unit Two (page 27).

Two Focus Points for Rest of Week
1.      Kids!  J
2.     Persona--a fictional mask the writer takes on when speaking

Writing Experiment #10—Dear Kiddo
·       Dear Kiddo directions on google docs
·       Two models on google docs
o   Kennedy—straight and serious
o   Edmund--ironic
·       Twenty minutes to write--we are WRITING today, as we do not have iBooks.
·       We are combining our two focal points for this week—our audience is a child, and we are taking on the PERSONA of this child’s parent!

Writing Assignment—Ogden Nash Poems
1.      We’re going to read some very short poems written by Ogden Nash (handout).
2.     What makes them appealing to kiddos?  (Or to me, for that matter!)  J
3.     Now you write TWO Ogden Nash Poems of your own, each meeting the following requirements:
a.     End-rhyme
b.     Humor
c.     Word-play
d.     Silliness
e.     At least two lines long—max of eight
f.      Topics:  animals, places, people

Finish TWO Ogden Nash poems (if you have not already done so)!

Howdy, AP English!

1.      Do not sign in.  Teara, please take attendance.
2.     E-mail me with grade questions.  I’ll reply within 24 hours.

Writing Style—Sharing
·       Five more 128-Word Sentences

General Reminders--What I want to see/What you want to SHOW
1.      Intense intellectual effort
2.     Keen focus on the task at hand
3.     Risk-taking
4.     Great attitude

Discussion Reminders
5.     Record-keeper—Shelby H. for the first three days
6.     Do not repeat something that’s already been said.
7.     Support your answer with detail, if needed.
8.     Listen attentively to each person who shares.

Literary Reminder:  Professor Foster: 
·       “It’s never just rain.” 
·       “…check the weather.”

Frankenstein Reminders
·       Glossary
·       Dictionary
·       Study Guide You do NOT have to write out answers for the Study Guide; however, you should read and answer the questions in your head.  That will help you check for your understanding.  And the reading quiz we have Monday will take questions directly from the study guide.
·       Circle ANY AND ALL of the twenty-five vocabulary words when you come across them in the reading!

Frankenstein Pair-Share Activities  NOW, PLEASE!
·       Pages 25-65, followed by class discussion.
o   Ask questions to clarify your understanding.
o   Comment on what you’re noticing.
o   Update your MOTIFS list!

After Lunch Topics (Twenty minutes of whole-class discussion)
1.      Is there a curfew?  (p. 48)
2.     Life and death
3.     Weather
4.     Is Victor body-snatching to make the creature?
5.     How long has the creature been alive?
6.     My first misfortune, another misfortune, before my misfortune—how many “misfortunes” are there?!
7.     Why do Victor and Elizabeth refer to each other as “cousin”?
8.     What is the exact relationship between Elizabeth and Victor?  I have a gut feeling they’re in love with each other.
9.     Why is Victor is so disappointed in the creature?  Right after he brought it to life?
10.   Page 54:  Let’s check out that last sentence (over to the next page)
11.    How/why was Victor so sick?
12.   Page 55—“little wives”
13.   Page 62: “Alas…”
14.   Updates in Motif Chart

Vocabulary War Reminder
·       Circle all Frankenstein vocabulary words when you come across them in the reading!
·       You must log a MINIMUM of five points per day for the week = twenty five points by Friday!
·       Check those Vocab War stats again—we’ll talk no more of dead dogs—everyone’s going to be a bright, shining star from now until Winter Break, right?!

·       Reading pages 65-85.  (I read for fifteen minutes aloud in class today, starting at page 67.)

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