Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, 12/20/2011

Tuesday, 12/20/2011


Good morning, lovelies.  I’m home with a sick kiddo today.
1.      I have a lot for you to do today, so I need you to stay focused, and to work your way thoughtfully down this list of items.
2.     Do not send bunches of people to the printer today!  Have one person go, and pick up work for groups of people.  This way, we don’t interrupt Ms. Flattery’s class too much.
3.     If you have a question you can’t answer as a class, call me:  461-4600.  I’d rather you do that than waste class time looking for something, etc.
4.     Santa Helper Letters and Coloring Pages need to be finished TODAY!  I’ve built in time for this, but you need to stay focused and stay on task to get done.

COLORING NOTE:  The following people said we could borrow crayons from them:
Dana Rembold
Mrs. Schantz 
Mrs. Soboroff
Mrs. Scherer
Mrs. Duwa (colored pencils)
And Mr. Zieglowsky brought us some to use, too.
Please be careful with them, and put them away neatly when you're done with them.  Olivia H, can you please take them back to the people they belong to at the end of second block today?  THANKS!


When You Come In
1.      Simile Creation Handout—please give it to my sub, after you’ve written your names on both sides. 
2.     Lyndsay (1st block)/Maddie W(2nd block), please run these up to Mrs. Hayes right now to get copied:
a.     Front and back
b.     Stapled
c.     Three-whole punched
3.     Wait for the 21 copies, then bring them back and pass them out to people.  THANK YOU!

Writing Lesson #1:  Imagery and Alliteration
1.      Grab your manila folder.
2.     Look through your writing, and find ONE example of each of the following on one of the pieces you’ve written this term:
a.     Imagery (using one or more of the five senses to put a picture in the reader’s mind)
b.     Alliteration (similar sounds at the beginning of words)
3.     Type in your examples on the google docs in your class period.  I’ve done an example for you, so open the documents, and check them out!
a.     “Imagery Examples (12/20)”
b.     Alliteration Examples (12/20)”

Writing Assignment #1:  Perfect Moment First Draft
·       Open your book to page 69, and read the directions for the PERFECT MOMENT MEMOIR.
·       Someone who’s quick as a ninja jaguar pass back the Perfect Moment Prep sheets you did yesterday in class.  They are still in the drawer!
·       Type the first draft of this assignment, using your Prep Sheet as a guide.
o   Use imagery!
o   Use alliteration!
·       Turn-In:  Print a copy of your first draft, and staple it on top of your Prep Sheet and Brainstorming list, then put it in the drawer.

Writing Assignment #2:  Letter
1.      Create a final draft of your Letter.
2.     Print a clean copy, and sign it.
3.     Draw a picture, or color a picture for your first-grader.
4.     Print a coloring sheet for your first-grader (something you think he/she would enjoy).
5.     Hand in EVERYTHING to the sub as soon as you’re done, and move on to the next item.
a.     Kid’s letter
b.     Your rough draft
c.     Your final draft
d.     Your coloring sheet
e.     Your kid’s coloring sheet

Revision:  Simile Poem
1.      Get your rough draft of this poem back (folder on my desk).
2.     Review requirements and rubric for the Simile Poem (yellow handout).
3.     Read over ALL the SIMILE SUGGESTIONS you got from people (homework for today).
4.     How and why do these similes work?  And do they need more detail?
5.     Create your final revised draft of this poem.
6.     Fill out the rubric (yellow handout).
7.     Turn In:  staple as follows, then put in the drawer:
a.     Completed rubric
b.     Final draft
c.     Rough Draft

·       Finish your Simile Poem Revision, if you do not finish in class.

AP English
Tuesday, 12/20/2011

Hello, chickadees.
·       I’m home with a sick kiddo today.
·       Work your way down this list during class, please.

·       I’ll check google docs at 11:20 for your homework.  If you haven’t done it by 11:20, do not do it.
·       We’ll share the translations tomorrow in class! 

iBook Work--We have sixteen from my cart, and we have five reserved from Mrs. Moothart.  Please do the assignments in this order.  Anything you don’t finish is for homework.
1.      Vocab Sushi Assignment (Yes, your score counts, so go slowly, and think carefully.)
2.     Vocab Sushi Quiz (Yes, your score counts, so go slowly, and think carefully.)

Note:  Here’s how you get on YouTube today in class (from tech support)

Username:  willis
password: w9z7251

Choose "Misc" in the alias menu when logging into the filter.

This will end at 1:30 today.

3.     Movie Clip Viewing and Wiki Reponse
a.     Use YouTube (or another site of your choice), and find three different clips of movie versions of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
b.     Some biggies
                                      i.     James Whale’s Frankenstein (1931)
                                     ii.     Terence Fisher’s The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
                                    iii.     Victor Bialanella’s Frankenstein (1981)
                                    iv.     Kenneth Branagh’s Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1994)
c.     Comment on each of the following on the wiki (http://ourap.wikispaces.com/):
                                      i.     How did the clip you viewed feel similar to the novel?
                                     ii.     How did it feel different?
                                    iii.     What do you think of the “classic” monster? 
1.      Does he look how you picture him? 
2.     Does he speak the way he does in the novel?
d.     Reminder:  I’ve already started a new Discussion Topic called “Frankenstein Movie Viewing and Response”.  Click on it, read the directions and model, then post your reply at the bottom in the blank square.
4.     Frankenstein Annotations
a.     Fill out the annotations handout thoughtfully.
b.     Tuck it inside your copy of the novel.
c.     Make a neat pile on my desk, please.

·       Fill out what you’re bringing to the party on THURSDAY (on google docs).
·       Get your Secret Santa present ready for THURSDAY.

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