Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Day Twenty-three

When You Come In
·       Please sign in.
·       Pick up a white “Vocabulary Slideshow” handout off my desk.
·       Get an iBook, and fire it up.

1.      Watch a few examples of a Vocabulary Slideshow, so you know what you’re about to create—BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND!  J
a.     KW
b.     Tiffany
c.     Colin
2.     Use the google image search to find TWO vocab pictures of each of your twenty words (forty pics, total). 
a.     The pictures have to
                                      i.     actually represent the word sensibly
                                     ii.     be classroom appropriate. 
3.     Name each pic like I did on your checklist, and check off each pic as you drag it on to the desktop.
4.     Sign on to your Student Volume.
5.     Make a folder in your Student Volume called “Vocabulary Pics”.
6.     Drag all your pics into that folder.
7.     Trash the pics on your desktop, AFTER you’re sure they’re saved in your student volume, then empty the trash.
8.     Log out, and neatly put your computer away.  Make sure it’s plugged in.
9.     Make sure your name is at the top of your checklist, and put it in the drawer, please.


When You Come In
Sign in, pick up a poetry packet, and tell Jared a humorous joke!

We’re going to bring some closure to our poetry work today and tomorrow.  We still need to read, think, talk, and write about poetry more, but I think  shifting gears now will allow us to come back to poetry later with more open minds, and with more ambition.

So, what do we need to do to bring some closure?

1. Finish Perrine, pages 29-30.
2. Answer several Perrine RJ questions in our journals:  #1, #2, #5

Right After Lunch
Itty-Bitty Vocabulary Quiz #3
Fifteen minutes to start Perrine RJ—finish for homework. (12:43-12:58)
o And here’s an example for how to give your opinion (I SAY), but support it with textual details (THEY SAY):
Reread question #10 on page 11 of the Nabokov reading.
My reaction to the essay is both emotional and logical.  In some areas, I learned about being a better reader, and in others I really connected with how he said we should look at reading.  In some points of the speech, he wanted us to really thinking about what he was saying.  He tells us how artists’ minds work.  He says “literature is invention.  Fiction is fiction”.  He believes storytelling is an art.  I didn’t know nature and fiction were so similar.  I really connected with the second paragraph because if I read the summary on the back, I’ll read the book if it sounds interesting.  But, in some cases, I’ll like the summary and the first few pages of the book are so boring, I won’t go on.  I’m hoping to help that habit by taking this class.

Poetry—Poem Trio Teachings
Date a new page called “Poem Trio Teachings”.
Make sure you have your yellow packet handy, and get ready to learn about this poem, courtesy of the trio at hand.

Perrine Reading Journal, #1, 2 and 5—complete sentences; evidence of your thinking (I Say); evidence and examples from the essay and poem to support your thoughts (They Say)

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