Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hello, Reading!
(Day Twelve)

When You Come In
·       Please sign in.

Vocabulary Review
·       Go over the NEW extra credit vocabulary.  Does anyone have anything to add?
·       Update our green vocabulary grids.
·       Title your notebook paper “Picture Quiz #2”, and number from #0-#22.
·       Take the Vocab Picture Quiz #2 with your new trio.

Six-Way Paragraph
·       Check and discuss as a class. 
·       Score it, then put it in the drawer, please.

Read and Relax (10:45)
Bring back your blue daily reading sheet when it’s your turn, and we’ll put in your daily reading grade.
Carpet Corner
·       Jacob
·       Laramie
·       Brody
·       Caleb
·       Jordan


When You Come In
·       Sign in, please!
·       Start journaling as soon as the tardy bell rings!

Journal Quote for Today (ten minutes) (11:22-11:32)
“Fiction is the truth inside the lie.  (Please write it out, and date it.)
·       Pair-share with a new person.

What is Minimalism? 
·       Review our notes.
·       Check out another sheet of notes—see how many you already ascertained.
·       Put them in your folder with your pink textbook pages, with the pieces we’ve been reading.

Folder Organization
·       Divider—They Say/I Say
·       Divider—Writing
o   Put your Unit Evaluation #1 in there.
·       Go over results of the Unit Evaluation #1—we need to remember to keep what’s working, and adjust what isn’t.

Amy Hempel’s, “The Harvest”—CLASS DISCUSSION
·       Review your Reading Journal.  Be ready to use examples from the text to support your points.
1.      What is one question you have about this story.
2.     What are TWO WAYS this story is SIMILAR to either of the previous short stories we read?
3.     What are TWO WAYS this story is DIFFERENT from either of the previous short stories we read?
4.     What effects did sections TWO and THREE have on you as a reader?
5.     Write a few sentences at the end of your journal about what you learned from your pair-share partner today.
6.     How do you connect what you read in the Palahniuk essay with Hempel’s short story?  How was Palahniuk having a conversation with Amy Hempel?

Please put your journals on the circle table!  J

What We’re Doing Monday in Class
1.      Discuss They Say/I Say.
2.     Create an outline for a literary argument essay.
3.     Draft a literary argument essay.
Essay Argument:
___________(author’s name) uses a minimalist style in _____________(short story title) to create ______________.

a.     Decide WHICH of the three stories you’re going to write your essay about. 
b.     Re-read the story and your annotations. 
c.     Note material that might work as evidence for your paper.
2.     (FOR MONDAY) Vocab Sushi
a.     Please complete the ACTIVITIES by Monday, 11:20AM.
b.     Please complete the QUIZ by Monday, 11:20AM
3.     (FOR TUESDAY)Find a published poem you love. 
a.     (Seriously, you have to love it.  Do NOT put up something you found at the last-minute, because we’re going to read them in class.)
b.     Upload it to google docs, and save it in the AP folder, so we can all see it. 
c.     Do not give us EDITING rights, just VIEWING rights.  (Make sure you have both the title and author on the poem.)

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