Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sound Devices in Poetry
  • We finished discussing the Form and Meaning poems:  Marissa, Kathleen and Amanda
  • We put the Valentine poems up on the Big Screen and read them aloud.
  • The following people shared their anti-Valentine poem:  Alayna, Adriana, Ethan.  Amanda and Kathleen will share theirs tomorrow.
Writing Assignment
  • We discussed the four main focal points of this memoir, aside from the fact that it needs to be a TRUE story (p. 41), and they are as follows:

o   Conflict—battle between two opposing forces; realization; turning point; epiphany;
Problem; fight; struggle; obstacle; war; argument; difference; debate
o   Climax—culmination of the action; highest, most intense part of the plot
o   Setting—where and when the story occurs
o   Mood—feeling reader gets from the story; atmosphere


Writing Lesson
  • Editing Dialogue--I passed out the handout about procedures and expectations.  Courtney and Jamie, I'm pinning it to the make-up wall, so grab it when you come back.
  • After reading page 35 to review, partners picked out three dialogue stories (not their own) to edit.  Courtney and Jamie, you can pick them up and do these together during seminar when you get back.  PEople worked with their partners to edit, and there were lots of good questions and discussions.
  • I put the Autobiographical Poems up on the Big Screen, and we read them.  Listeners wrote down two details they thought were strong, as well as something new they learned about the writer.  About a third of the class shared today.  We will continue sharing these tomorrow.
Peer Conferencing
  • We went over page 44, and I elaborated on how to comment on each other's Musical Memory Journal.  I showed a couple of models of how a paper should looked once it's been conferenced--all marked up.
  • People paired up for the peer conferencing.
  • Courtney and Jamie, you can switch Wednesday night for homework.
  • None

  • We read about seventy-five minutes, and some people worked on Shelfari.

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