Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011


We spent the day preparing for our visit tomorrow with our second-grade writing buddies.  We did all of the following:

  • walked to the library to check out three good children's book
  • read a little to each other ( 3 1/2 people read)
  • got our interview questions
  • discussed the overview and procedures for tomorrow
  • had breakfast pizza--thanks for getting it, Kathleen!
Here's what I put up on the Big Screen in class today:

Put your list of twenty in the drawer.  Make sure your name is on it, please.  If you want any credit for this, put what you have in the drawer by the tardy bell—no exceptions.

If you’ve been absent, do NOT ask me about make-up work during class.  You know how we roll—we’ve got something going on pretty much all the time.  If you’ve been absent, read the blog, and check the yellow bulletin board for make-up work posted there.  Then, if you still have questions, write them down 

Writing Lessons—Notes and Discussion
Diction E. B. White p. 5—Review answers from yesterday. (5 minutes)
Imagery (Emily Bronte) p. 51 (5 minutes)
Imagery—Hot Choc—p. 51—overhead ready to go (10 minutes)

Revise the Sense Poem (p. 61)—USING WHAT WE JUST 
Use your RED VOCAB VARIETY sheet for help. (20 minutes—12:50)
Trade iBooks with someone when you’re done—read each other’s poem.
Save it over your first draft in the Student Volume/HS Classes/Creative Writing.
Print a copy to room 212.  Hang on to it until the end of class.  I’ll take it as you go out the door, and I’ll keep it for you to use tomorrow with your writing buddies.
Preparation for Friday—Writing Buddies (5 minutes)
Explain the Sense Poem template.
Review how to be a good writing buddy
Don’t be absent tomorrow—unless you’re contagious.

Discussion—Figurative Thinking (15 minutes)
Let’s talk about your answers to the Answerless Questions on pages 56-7.


  • Today I had a daily reading log chat with each person in class, and I input daily reading grades from the last week and a half.
  • Most people read about seventy minutes.
  • Some people worked on Shelfari.

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