Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10th

  • We read, about seventy-five minutes today

Writing Lesson--Connotation and Denotation
  • We talked about and defined the terms "connotation" and "denotation".  
  • We used "booger" as an example of a loaded word, a word that has lots of associations, a word with both denotative and connotative meanings.
  • We put the word "overweight" on a spectrum, and we came up with words that are synonyms for "overweight".  We put them on the spectrum based on whether or not they sounded positive or negative in relation to the neutral term, "overweight".
  • I went over the expectations for What Are You Suggesting? on page 18, and we did some examples.  Then we partnered up to complete this page.  
  • We shared our answers back with the whole class, and poached answers if we need to to correct our thinking or to add to our own ideas.
  • I then explain Playing with Words--Connotations on page 19, and we had ten-ish minutes to work on it individually.  
  • Then I put people's answers up on the big screen, and we talked about them--again, people poached as needed.
  • We had twenty minutes to work on Death of Language/Twnety Words, which is due tomorrow, when you walk in the door.

  • We filled out our annotation form, and we handed our Frankenstein books in so I could grade the annotations.
  • People showed me their two pages of notes in prep for the art essay.
Reflection on Expectations
  • I went over my expectations for our class, and for every student in it.  If you were absent, see me for a copy, because you need to read it and reflect on it.
Reading Quiz
  • We took reading quiz #3.
  • Here is what I handed out in class.  Those of you who were absent can find a copy of the story online so you can complete this assignment.

Translating Mary Shelley into Ernest Hemingway
1       1.      Re-read your minimalism notes.
2.     Read Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”. 
3.     Highlight or annotate examples of Hemingway’s Minimalistic style.
4.     Note at least four different ways the story can be an example of Minimalistic writing.
5.     Re-read the “Oh My Goth” passage on page 3.
6.     Write a translation that sound like HEMINGWAY wrote it, instead of SHELLEY.
7.     Read your translation over—does it sound like its written in the Minimalistic style? 
8.     Work on your Art Essay rough draft (Read the rubric; read the TSIS chapter on connections; review your notes; plan your writing strategy.) 
9.     When I let you know that everyone’s done with the translation, get with your trio, and take turns reading your translations aloud to each other.
10.   Nominate one of the translations to be read aloud in class.  It should be the one you feel is most like Hemingway’s style.
11.    We will share these aloud in class today (or tomorrow), dependent on time.

  • Check the wiki--there are two assignments there, one for viewing the Frankenstein movie clips, and one for doing all the reviewing and note-taking you need to do to write your art essay.

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