Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, 12/8/2008


Third and fourth block will look a little different from each other today, since fourth block missed last week due to snow.

Third Block
Homework Due
We handed in Writing Experiment #13 (turquoise handout from Friday).

Overarching Question for the Week
What six pieces will I revise for my portfolio?
All this week is about SHOWING, NOT JUST TELLING, and DICTION.  These two elements are key to your thinking about revision.

Diction Lessons
  • We read the E. B. White sentence on page 53.  We discussed the word choice he used, and we took notes.  Remember, one word can make a difference.  Diction matters.
  • We also talked about what alliteration is, and how using different sounds at the first of words can have different effects on the reader.  We took notes on page 55.
  • We talked about Writing to Describe on page 58.  We read, took notes over, and discussed a couple of paragraphs from Isak Denisen's piece about an iguana.
  • We dog-eared pages 60 and 61 in our books for help in our writing the rest of the term--Vocabulary Variety.    It's good to keep in mind that there are many ways to say what you want to say; your challenge is to find the right word to express yourself in the way that only you can.  Your voice is original and unique--and your diction is a part of the style that makes you original and unique.
Writing Assignment
Sense Poem (p. 62)
We read the models, and then we had twenty minutes to create a typed rough draft.  We shared our drafts with another person in class, then printed it and threw it in the drawer.

Fourth Block
We did everything listed above for third block. 

In addition, we did some catch-up as follows:
  • We glanced at page 51 to see what the new unit is all about.
  • We took the four sentences on page 52 and organized them from least vivid to most vivid.
  • We read the Cisneros sentence, and took notes over it, then discussed it at some length.
Homework for Tomorrow:  None

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