Monday, February 16, 2015

Advanced CW--Friday, February 13th, 2015

Advanced Creative Writing
Day Twenty-six--Friday, February 13th, 2015

Today—Some Harsh Sarcasm, and a Bunch of Work on CHARACTER
1.      DONE!  How to Bore Your Readers (pages 60-61)
2.     DONE!  Creating Three-Dimension Characters (page 65)
3.     Character Facebook Profile
4.     Describing People (page 66)—one-hundred words about one or two characters in your story, as directed on page 66.  Save it in the “Describing People” folder in our class folder.

Quiet, Independent Writing Workshop—Move if you think you’ll be chatty.  Silence is supreme today.
***Short Story Proposal due Tuesday
1.      Facebook Profile                   due Tuesday
2.  Two pages on your story     due Tuesday
3.     Describing People (p. 66)               due  Tuesday
5.     Total of four pages               due WEDNESDAY
6.     Cruise pinterest board for most recent fiction posts—good stuff there!

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