Monday, February 23, 2015

Advanced CW--Friday, 2/20/15

Advanced Creative Writing
Day Thirty--Friday, February, 20th, 2015  


The following should be saved in our class folders by now, because I’m using them to put you with partners.
  • Five  pages on your story            

Peer Conference
  • Short Story--whole thing!  :-)

  • Copy and paste these directions to the top of the short story, and then perform an excellent, thoughtful peer conference to help the writer create his final draft.
  • Make AT LEAST  thirty comments (on average, six comments per page, which is pretty minimal) on the story.  
  • Comment on the following:
  1. Character
    1. Do the characters feel like real people?  
    2. What great details is the writer using to establish characters?  
    3. Where in the story should the writer develop characters more?
  2. Setting
    1. Do you have a clear vision of WHEN and WHERE the story is occurring?
    2. What great details is the writer using to establish setting?  
    3. Where in the story should the writer develop setting more?
  3. Dialouge
    1. How is the writer using dialogue, snapshots and thoughtshots?  
    2. Where are they working?  
    3. Where does the writer need to work more?
  4. Diction
    1. What are the writer’s best, most powerful words?  
    2. Are there any clichés that need to be eliminated?  
    3. Are there words that aren’t needed, that can be deleted?  
    4. is the writer paying attention to the connotation of the words, as well as the denotation?  
    5. How can you tell?
  5. Title
    1. Is the title strong?  
    2. Does it add a dimension to the piece

  • We completed the peer conference, then we worked on the story, based on or peer comments.

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