Thursday, January 22, 2015

Comp Strats--Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

2nd Block:  Comprehension Strategies/ACT Prep
  • Day NINE--Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

When You Come In
  1. Initial next to your name on my clipboard for attendance.
  2. Drop your phone in the phone hostage center.  Put your phone BEHIND your name card, please.  


Vocab Grid (Mostly Review)--handout
  1. Fill out the grid with me, now.
  2. Let’s talk about a good pic to draw for each vocab word, so when you look at it, it cues you in to what the word means.

Please turn in the following to the correct folders AFTER you put your name and date at the top:
  1. Worksheet for CONNOISSEUR and TO ENCROACH
  2. Worksheet for BELLICOSE and TO CHASTISE
  3. Completed vocab grid

Strategy Practice
  1. Get a copy of the strategies you can use when you read to UNDERSTAND/COMPREHEND more, and to REMEMBER/RECALL more effectively.
  2. These strategies can be done in your head, or they can be done as annotations (or a mixture of both).
  3. Today, we’re going to practice them as annotations while I do a read-aloud.
  4. Think back to Eastern Hem--do you remember watching a video about foot-binding?  If so, what do you remember?
  5. Today as I read, I’m going to stop, and I’m going to ask you to annotate using one of your reading strategies.  This will be a slow process today, but when you do it on your own, it will go more quickly.  Today is the training-wheels version.

Last Five Minutes

  • Since Mrs. Kling will be my sub tomorrow, I want to go over tomorrow’s plan with you, so you can work independently tomorrow.
    • schoology
    • Vocab Pics Assignment handout

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