Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6th, 2014

Day 34
Monday, October 6, 2014

  • Listen to the new vocab words, and discuss them briefly--did you see them in the Soviet Union reading?
  • Be on the lookout for them today.  HIGHLIGHT them when you see them, and write the definitions out to the side as part of your annotating, please.

A Note on Animal Farm
  • I’m going to have you read and annotate the first two chapters, as well as start a character list in your notes.
  • Are there a million things I want you to think about with this novella?  Yes!  But I want you to get your feet wet with the reading before I ask you to consider additional information and ponder additional questions.

Quiz First
  1. Pick up the Soviet Union background quiz.  Follow the directions, then turn it in at my candle.
  2. Now, you can start reading and annotating Animal Farm (directions below).

Animal Farm Reading Assignment

  1. Read chapters one and two, pages 1-14.
  2. Annotate carefully:
    1. make inferences
    2. ask questions
    3. make predictions
    4. make connections
  3. Create a list of characters in your notes (...either on paper or on computer; you will turn them in for a note-taking grade) to keep them straight; list characteristics each time the animal is mentioned.
  4. We will have a reading quiz tomorrow over chapters one and two.

Comp Strats

Day 34--Monday, October 6th
  • 3rd Block--follow the schoology plan.
  • 4th block--read and relax for twenty-five minutes, THEN follow the schoology plan (listed below)
  1. Take the vocab pre-quiz.
  2. Get the key from the folder; grade it ("X" over ones you miss completely; half for spelling), then turn it into the drawer.
  3. Return the key to the folder.
  4. Read the advice on making inferences here:   Inference Advice
  5. Come get a handout called, "Making Inferences 1", and complete it, then turn it in.
  6. Grab a handout called, Making an Inference from a Photo.
  7. Look at the pictures here:  Making an Inference from a Photo
  8. Complete your handout with your inferences about each photo, then turn it in.
  9. Read and relax!

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