Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014


Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

Sign in, lovelies!
Grab two green sheets off the sign-in table.  Thanks!

Materials Needed for Class
  • Small three-ring binder
  • Writing implement
  • Computer every day, fully charged
  • Five dividers

Review Big Picture
Based on the title of this class, what skills do you think we’re going to be working on this term?  
1.      Reading closely
2.     Annotating
3.     Vocabulary-Building
4.     Note-Taking
5.     Academic Discussion
6.    Thinking—I put this last, but really, let’s not forget to think—deal?

...and here’s a syllabus for you (also on schoology).

HOMEWORK (On Schoology)--you don’t need your computers out.  I’m going to show you a few things on my screen though.

Due Thursday:  What Does a Good Reader Do?
Due Monday:        College-Prep Survey
Contact THREE current college students--.    
Ask them the following questions, and report their answers to us in class:
  1. How do they take notes?
  2. What are their professors' expectations for students preparing for class each day?
  3. How much reading is required for classes?
  4. What is one thing your friends wish they knew then they started college?

Journal Response (Ten Minutes)
  • Get the book cover for this class.
  • The quote we’re using is right there, so I will not have you tape the quote on your paper today.

“The unread story is not a story;
it is little black marks on wood pulp.
The reader, reading it,
makes it live: a live thing, a story.”

Ursula K. Le Guin

Strategy:  I used a reading strategy called phrasing, or chunking, where you break a long, complex sentence or paragraph into smaller, more manageable bits, to try to understand it better.

Review:  How can we respond to a quote?
➢ Connect:     Relate to it by making a connection to yourself.
➢ Question:    Ask a question(s).
➢ Comment:   Agree with it, in part or in whole.
➢ Comment:   Disagree with it, in part or in whole.
➢ Clarify:        Say what you think it means.
➢ Connect:     Relate to it by making a connection to something else you’ve seen or                                    read.
…or anything else you want to write to show your thinking about the quote
Starting at 8:31; ending at 8:41

Journal Response Explanation
Share with a NEW person today.  Write your partner TWO specific comments, and aim for academic language in your writing.
1.      At least two detailed sentences
a.     Agree.
b.    Tell him/her if the journal made you think of a new idea/or something you hadn’t considered.
c.     Add on to an idea he/she says.
d.    Compliment their vocabulary—diction!
e.     Disagree, respectfully.
2.     Signed by you
3.     Make sure your name, date and “LeGuin Quote” are at the top of your paper.
4.     Read your partner’s comments, then turn it in in the class drawer.

Reading and Annotating
“How to Mark a Book”
1.      Think as you read—that’s part of active reading.
2.     How do you SHOW you are thinking?  Annotations!  I’ve made big margins for you to WRITE IN.  You’re welcome!  :-)
3.     Take a look at the annotation models—I need you in three groups.  
4.     Okay, take a look, page by page, at the annotation models I’ve given you.  
5.     What do you notice?

  1. lot of side-notes
  2. related a lot of things to their own life
  3. list of characters
  4. lots of questions
  5. defining of vocabulary
  6. grouped annotations
  7. took breaks to understand--summarize paragrph
  8. notes on HOW to annotate
  9. underlined important stuff
  10. highlighted words she didn’t know--then defined them
  11. highlighted poetic devices like similes and alliteration
  12. circled themes or recurring words
  13. made comments on titles of chapters
  14. lots of marks on each page--no page was blank
  15. not always complete thoughts--just side-notes
  16. described characters
  17. said whatever she wanted
  18. decoded the lingo
  19. underlined stuff in the titles to conect to the piece

Computer Work
  • Get into schoology, and familiarize yourself with where everything is for the course.
  • Join my class group for quizlet, and start studying the first ten vocab words from our list.

Comprehension Strategies

Day 2—Wednesday, August 20th

When You Come In--Howdy!
1.      Initial attendance on the clipboard.
2. Grab your pink reading log and your book off the side table.

Homework/Supplies:  For TOMORROW, please bring a 1” binder and five tabbed dividers.  Thanks!

Big Idea for Today:  Why?
  • Today I will spend time explaining to you WHY we do what we do in this class.  
  • It’s important to me that you understand (1) there is a purpose behind what we’re doing--which is to make you a stronger reader, and (2) the activities I use with you are based on brain research--which means they are proven to work, if you actively engage.
  • You’re here because I requested you.  I went to Guidance, and I said, “I can help these kiddos be stronger readers, and I want you to give them to me for a class.”
  • So here’s the thing--you have to be focused and involved in this class--if you are, you will become a stronger reader--guaranteed.
  • If you are a distraction--if you attempt to destroy the learning environment here--you and I, your parent, and the administration will have a conversation about that behavior.  Why?  Because this class is so important to the future success of everyone in this room.   
  • I want you to be a stronger reader, because I want you to succeed--not just in this class, but in everything you choose to do in high school where reading is important.  
  • But not just in high school--I want you to have choices, to be able to do whatever you want to do when you graduate.  And if you want choices, you need an education--period.  And if you want an education, you need to be getting stronger at reading every day.  

New Vocabulary
  • It’s the single biggest factor in comprehension/understanding.  
  • If you increase your vocabulary, you will increase your reading comprehension.

·       Novice
·       Adversity

Synonym for NOVICE         =          APPRENTICE           
Antonym for NOVICE         =          EXPERT

Make sure you have FOUR examples written down.  Steal from here, if needed
Hannah Anderson--just started working at Wal-Mart

Examples of Adversity
1.     Divorce
2.     Holocaust
3.     School
4.     Pregnancy
5.     Car accident
6.     Losing someone special
7.     Losing your job

Synonyms for ADVERSITY
1.     Impediment
2.     Trouble
3.     Misfortune
4.     Difficulty
5.     Hardship
6.     Distress
7.     Struggle
8.     Hindrance
9.     Crisis

Six-Way Paragraph—Understanding a Passage in Six Different Ways (20 minutes)
1.      “The Story of the Hamburger”
2.          Reading Strategy #1:  Read the questions first!  (Give yourself purpose.)
3.         Reading Strategy #2:  Consider the title, before, during and after reading.
4.         Reading Strategy #3:  Annotation (Talk to the text.)
5.     When you finish, read your read-and-relax book, start filling out your daily reading log.  
We are reading and relaxing until I stop you.
At 3:08, we’ll transition out of read-and-relax.

7.     We’ll check and discuss your answers.
8.    You’ll score your quiz, then put it in the drawer for a daily grade.
9.    For full daily points today, you need three things on your paper:  name, date, correct score for this assignment.  (Remember, you get five full points for completing the assignment, checking it with me, and correcting it.)

·      Make sure you have a binder and five dividers for tomorrow, please.

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