Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21st, 2014


Day Three

What Do Good Readers Do?  (Homework response and class discussion
  • Read everyone’s posts in schoology, then select five to respond to (criteria on schoology).

  1. Pronounce the ten words with me know.
  2. On your orange vocab handout, select two synonyms from that really focus you on the true meaning of the word.
Vocabulary--Independent  8:45-9:00
  1. Draw a pic for each word to SHOW the core meaning of the word
  2. Put your name on your orange sheet, then turn it into the drawer.

Reading and Annotating
  • Let those beginning annotation skills you learned in American Lit bubble up to the surface—you will build on them today, and the rest of the term.
  • We know other ways we can annotate--here’s what we noticed yesterday:

  1. Make lots of notes in the margins.
  2. Relate text details to our own lives.
  3. List the characters.
  4. Ask lots of questions.
  5. Answer those questions, when we find them later.
  6. Highlight or circle words we don’t know, THEN DEFINE THEM.  Write the definitions in the margins.
  7. Group annotations, so we see connections.
  8. Break after each paragraph, and summarize our understanding.
  9. Write down specific directions for HOW we’re supposed to annotate a particular piece.
  10. Underline important details.
  11. Highlight poetic devices--similes, metaphors, rhyme, alliteration, etc.
  12. Circle themes or recurring words.
  13. Comment on the title(s).  Underline elements of the title when we see connections within the piece.
  14. Feel free to use fragments or phrases, as long as WE understand later what those mean.
  15. Describe the characters.
  16. Decode the lingo.
  17. Say whatever we want!  :-)

“How to Mark a Book”
  • Circle up!  I’ll read the first three paragraphs aloud, and then we’ll share what annotations we’re making.
  • Let’s start by numbering our paragraphs!
  • We read, annotated and discussed through paragraph seven.

Homework Reminders:

  1. College-Prep Research (due 8AM Monday)
    1. copy and paste notes
  2. Play quizlet for fifteen minutes between now and classtime tomorrow.


Day Three
Thursday, 8/21

When You Come In--Howdy!
1.      Initial attendance on the clipboard.
2. Grab your pink reading log and your book off the side table.
3. Grab your orange vocab sheet from yesterday off the side table

Vocabulary Review (5 minutes)
  • Pull out your orange vocab sheet, and study your two words from yesterday:  novice and adversity.  How do you study?  What will you look like when you study?  What will your brain be doing?
·      Synonyms
·      Antonyms
·      Examples of people who are NOVICES
·      Synonyms
·      Examples of adversities
·      Antonyms
o   Encouragement
o   Good fortune
o   Good luck

Vocabulary—New     (15 minutes)
Antonym        =          DIRECT; STRAIGHTFORWARD
1.   The road to Riverside is circuitous, so sometimes I slow down on the curves.
2. I needed to waste time, so I took a CIRCUITOUS route to get where I wanted to go.

Synonyms for AUGMENT:
1.      To broaden
2.     To expand
3.     To supplement
4.     To increase
5.     To magnify
6.    To intensify
7.     To enhance
8.    To enlarge
9.    To widen
10.  To amplify

Reading Strategy:  Prediction
·      Make predictions while I read “The Candy Bite”.

Read and Relax
·      Get your reading log (pink sheet) and your reading book (reading log).
·      Fill it out.
·      Read and enjoy your just-right book for thirty minutes!

Independent Reading (30 minutes)
Read in an upright position today, in your own little zone--no clumping.  If that goes well for a week, we’ll discuss being more flexible.

Last Two Minutes of Class
1.      Complete all the lines on your pink daily reading log:  time ended, end page, and TOTAL PAGES READ.
2.     Put your pink sheet and book in their correct places.

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