Thursday, May 8, 2014

Friday, May 9th, 2014

Welcome to Creative Writing!       
Happy Friday!  May 9th, 2014

When You Come In
1.     Please sign in.
2.   Turn in your homework (Titles, page 39) to the correct folders on the sign-in table, if you didn’t hand them in yesterday.
3.   Grab your manila folder.

Writing Buddies
Please put these dates on your calendar.  Don’t be absent!  L
1.      Tuesday, May 13th
2.     Thursday, May 15th
a.     Kailey M. has to be absent (1st).
3.     Wednesday, May 21st

Focus for the Last Sixteen Days
1.      Showing, Not Just Telling
2.     Revision
3.     Writing Buddies
4.     Portfolio

Writing Assignment:  Ogden Nash Poems (p. 60)
1.      Let’s look at the poems Ogden Nash wrote.  These are our models for this assignment.
2.     Talk about why these poems would appeal to kiddos.
3.     Look at models from CW survivors, to see how they approached the assignment:
4.     We will read these aloud to our writing buddies.
5.     Create a doc in the class folder, “Ogden Nash Poems”, and call it “Your Last Name—Ogden Nash Poems”.
6.     Write three Ogden Nash Poems of your own, with these elements in each (GRADING CRITERIA):
a.     Humor
b.    Animals or other topics children like
c.     Word-play
d.    Rhyme:
e.     Listen to the rhythm (number of syllables in each line).  Do you need to substitute any words so the flow is better?
f.      Is every word a strong one?  Use your Vocab Variety and for help.
g.    length = two to eight lines for each poem
h.    a title that adds a dimension to the poem

Poetry Vocab—Quizlet!
·      Why?  …so we all have a common vocabulary to talk about poetry.  You will use these terms  when you revise (application) your poetry.
·      If you scored well on your quiz last week, come back and let me know that score is final, and I’ll put it in the gradebook.
·      If you’re still practicing to master all terms, your final date to take the quiz is WEDNESDAY, May 14th.

Handout:  Do a folder inventory with the Portfolio Possibilities handout

Portfolio Slideshow!

Write a piece entirely of your own choosing.

Ø  400 words (or more)
Ø  fiction, non-fiction, or poetry—your choice
Ø  MLA format at the top
Ø  Two sentences typed at the top of your piece, telling me THREE THINGS you want me to comment on.
Ø  Due when you walk into class Monday.

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