Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014--CREATIVE WRITING ONLY!

Welcome to Creative Writing!  J
Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

I am home with a sick kiddo today.
·      Please work your way down the list below, and adhere to the times. 
·      Anything you do not finish in class is homework—but you have ample time to finish in class, if you are on task.

Why should writers and readers be familiar with poetry terms?
1.      Because we need to all be using the same DICTION when we talk about each other’s poems.
2.     Because we need to be aware of all the parts that make up a poem—and maybe that will allow us to experiment with a variety of techniques when we write!

2nd Block (9:55-10:10) 4th Block (2:00-2:15)
·      Quizlet Poetry Vocab Practice
·      Click here:

Revision Work
Papers Back
·      2nd Block:  Hunter and Jordan, please pass back the papers in second block folder (back circle table, black metal container)
·      4th Block:  James and Emilee M, please pass back papers in fourth block folder (back circle table, black metal container)

Read the info below.   If you have a question, ask a classmate, get your question answered, then get to work.

REVIEW: Revision
Think about the revisions Gracey made on the page we did yesterday in class.
1.      Changed title
2.     Divided into stanzas
3.     Changed Fifi (specific) to dog (general)
4.     Made general more specific
a.     Flowers to petunias
b.    Made my way down to waddled
5.     Added simile (“like a zombie”)
6.     Cuts words down—says more with less words
a.     Cuts dead words
b.    rephrasing

What Can You Use to Help You Revise Today?
1.      Advice for Revising and Editing Poetry sheet (pink)
2.     Vocabulary Variety sheet
4.     Peer Conference Comments
5.     Quizlet poetry elements knowledge

2nd Block (10:15-10:35) 4th Block (2:20-2:40)

Your goal is to show mastery of the lessons you’ve learned in class so far to revise this poem to make it the strongest it can be.

Around the Block:  Revising to a Second Draft
1.      Read your comments from the peer conference, and think about how you can use their comments to make a stronger poem.
2.      Make at least FIFTEEN revisions to your poem to make it stronger. 
3.     What can you do to revise?  …the same things Gracey did on page 17.
4.     Make sure you use your Vocabulary Variety sheet and for strong diction help.
5.     When you think you’re done, click on “FILE”, then “SEE REVISION HISTORY”.  Count how many revisions you made—do you have at least FIFTEEN?
6.     Leave it in the folder it’s in for me to check.

2nd Block (10:35-10:55) 4th Block (2:40-3:00)

Your goal is to show mastery of the lessons you’ve learned in class so far to revise this poem to make it the strongest it can be.

Revising Ghosts, Monsters and Bullies Poem to a Second Draft
1.      Read your partner’s comments; think about them; revise and edit as needed.
2.     Make at least fifteen revisions to your poem to make it stronger.  Here’s what you can do to revise:
a.     Create a strong title.
b.    Use strong diction—get out your Vocabulary Variety sheet!
c.     Add details to create more imagery in your poem.
d.    Delete unneeded words.
e.     Switch words and lines around to help the poem flow.
f.      Make all your line breaks strong.
3.     Note:  editing corrections need to be made, but they do not “count” as revisions.  But your final draft should be grammatically perfect, error-free.
4.     When you think you’re done, click on “FILE”, then “SEE REVISION HISTORY”.  Count how many revisions you made—do you have at least fifteen?
5.     Delete any typing on your poem that isn’t part of the MLA format or part of your poem.
6.     Drag it into the class folder called “Ghosts, Monsters and Bullies”.
7.     Rename it “Your Last Name—Revised Ghosts, Monsters, Bullies”.

2nd Block (10:55-11:15) 4th Block (3:00-3:20)
Diction Practice
1.      Play free rice IN OUR CLASS GROUP by using the link on this blog.
2.     Start at your best level, not at level one.
3.     When I hand out the tracking sheet, fill out today’s info.
4.     15,000 grains are due by Friday.


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