Sunday, January 26, 2014

Late Start--Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 ( school yesterday due to cold.)


WE#2 Personal Essay Turn-In Form

Welcome to Creative Writing!  J
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Turn-In Business
1.      Sign in.    
2.     To turn in your WE#2 Personal Essay, fill out the form on the blog.  (We will not print a copy today.)
3.     Turn in PAGE 7 (anti-cliches) on the circle table.

Writing Lessons Questions
1.      We’ve had a lesson on avoiding clichés.
2.     Today we have a lesson on using precise adjectives to create imagery in your writing.
3.     What’s the connection?

Writing Lesson:  Choosing Precise Adjectives (page __10__)
1.      Read and discuss the material at the top of the page, and complete a few science experiments.
2.     Revise the sentences here to create a precise image in each sentence.
Ø  Started at 2:50; ending at 2:59-ish
3.     Put your name in big letters across the top of page ten.
4. Trade for THREE smileys and initials. (started  2:59)
5.     Now, DRAW A RECTANGLE around the closest thing you have to a MASTERPIECE!
6.     Share your STRONGEST answer when your number comes up.
7.     Turn this in on the circle table.  Thanks!

Writing Lesson:  Use strong diction--Vocabulary Variety.   (Pages 11-12)

1.      Use it anytime you have a writing assignment.


WE#4:  Open Poem Turn-In Form

Welcome to TURBO-ACW!  J
Tuesday, January 28th, 2013

When You Come In
1.               Please sign in.
2.              Turn in for open poem—fill out the form on the blog.

Winners of the Bad Poem Experiment
1st Place           = Tori, Morgan, KC                           (138 points)
2nd Place         = Caitlin, Emily, Ash                          (124 points)
3rd Place          = Christian, Stephanie, Bailey          (117 points)

Class    =          11:20-11:55
Lunch =          11:58-12:23
Class    =          12:25-1:00

1.      Create a collection in our google docs called "ACW", dedicated for the work we do in class this term.
2.     To save a doc in TWO OR MORE PLACES, hold down the command key when you select, and then you will be able to check multiple boxes.
3.     Review the MLA format for heading.  Use this for every assignment you type.  Thanks!

Why should writers and readers be familiar with poetry terms?
1.           Because we need to all be using the same DICTION when we talk about each other’s poems.
2.          Because we need to be aware of all the parts that make up a poem—and maybe that will allow us to experiment with a variety of techniques when we write!

Quiet Work Time
1.      Open your poetry element doc. 
2.     Create a new column entitled “WE#4 Pinterest Poem Examples.”
3.     Using your WE#4 Open Poem as your doc, go on a scavenger hunt, and find as many of the elements on your list.
4.     Work for ten to fifteen minutes, and try to identify and list at least fifteen examples.
5.     Re-name this doc, “YOUR LAST NAME—POETRY ELEMENTS”.
6.     Drag it into the class folder for this doc.

Ø Start @ 11:35; ending @ 11:50

Class    =          11:20-11:55
Lunch =          11:58-12:23
Class    =          12:25-1:00

Writing Experiment #5:  “What I Did on a Rainy Day” (p. 5)
1.      Read May Swenson’s model with me.
2.     Annotate—what poetic elements is she using in her poem?  In other words, HOW is she doing WHAT she is doing?
3.     Now you type a poem, “What I Did on a ________ __________”.  Do what Swenson does!  

1.      Paint an image in reader’s head
2.     Use alliteration.
3.     Focus on nature.
4.     Length           =                Minimum fifteen lines
5.     Spacing          =                Spacing up to you
6.     Heading         =                MLA format
7.     Time                 =                Twenty minutes in class now to think and type
Don’t worry about sharing/printing now; we’ll decide that tomorrow.

Started @ 12:35; ending at 12:55

1.      Paper pass-back
2.     Folder—put name on both tabs—for finished experiments only—no worksheets, etc.

Week One Turn-In Worksheet and Conferences
·      Get handout for first weekly conference.
·      Go over it, and be ready tomorrow.

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