Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, December 16th, 2013


When You Come In
1.      Pick up your manila folder.
2.     Get your Ogden Nash poem off the circle table.
3.     Read your comments.
4.     Draw BOX around your best poem.
5.     Open the poem on google, then copy and paste it into the doc in our class folder:  “Best Ogden Nash Poem”.
6.     Willis:  submit them to EB when we’re done.
7.     9:52-9:54

·      Let’s hear your best poem aloud!  J

Death of Language Twenty Words = Prompt Word Poem
1.      Read my Death of Language comments on your google doc.
2.     Your grade is on your self-assessment paper (white), which I will pass back.

Writing Assignment:  Prompt Word Poem (yellow page 17)

1.     Look at the model for this assignment (Lauren Carter; yellow sheet), and look at the words she had to use (pink).
2.    Please put your name on the top of the paper.  (Each partner needs to show his/her own work on the green sheet for a daily grade.)

Prompt Word Poem Analysis Directions
1.      Find and Highlight on the poem (yellow) the fifteen words she used from the class list (pink).  Note:  She had 27 to choose from; she only used 15—required.
2.     Draw a BOX around VERBS that put an image in your mind (at least five).
3.     Underline the last word of each line. 
4.          Talk with your partner about the kinds of word Lauren chose to end each line with.  Make a generalization, based on what you see in the poem.
5.     Circle four separate instances of alliteration (similar sounds at the beginning of words).  Your pairs of alliterative words need to be within the same stanza.
6.     Discuss with your partner what effect the stanzas have on how you read the poem.

1.      At the end of worktime, we’ll discuss your analysis.
2.     You will turn in your sheets for a daily grade, so make sure your names are on them.
3.     (I will take these up tomorrow; I want you to have a physical copy to use today during workshop time.)
4.   STARTED @ 10:15-ish; ending at 10:32-ish

Ø Starting Your Own Prompt Word Poem
1.      The words are in our class folder.  
2.     Workshop Time = twenty-five minutes today to familiarize yourself with the words, get an image or a conflict, and start typing
3.     Due:  WEDNESDAY w/rubric


1.      Read over your comments from Megan.  Do whatever she told you to do.
2.     Look at her changes in “File” then “See Revision History.”  Do you understand the corrections she made?
3.     Read over your paper comments from Friday.  AFTER you’ve edited or revised based on those comments, recycle those comments.
4.     Download this google doc to WORD, and save it on your desktop.
5.     Create a fun border.  Sarah W. and others will show you how, so let them know when you’re ready for that.
6.     Use a fun, readable font.
7.     If your letter is two pages, print front/back.
8.     If your letter is only one or two lines on the next page, see me for help getting it to fit to one page.
9.     Print your final copy to the library.  I’ll send someone to get them shortly.

Welcome to CPR!        
Monday, December 16th, 2013

Homework Due
1.      Put your name in big letters on the top of PAGE 6, then put on the heater, please.  I’ll have them back to you in a jiffy!
a.     Page 6
2.     Regarding your annotations over all assigned pages:  I will take up your ENTIRE novella on Tuesday to assess your annotations.  This will be a major homework grade.

Re-reading Quietly On Your Own (10 minutes)
1.      Review annotations from pages 30-64.
2.     Start filling out page 9 (MOTIFS) and page 12 (STYLE ELEMENTS) in your packet.
Start @  11:25-11:35

Class Discussion and Trios                  (20 minutes)
1.      Compare your notes from all the following pages.  Borrow from each other, page until everyone in the trio has all the blanks on all the pages filled in:
a.     8
b.    9
c.     11
d.    12
2.     Let me hear your best academic discussion.
Started 11:41; ending at 11:58-ish

Motifs We See So Far (two-thirds through book)
1.         Danger/threat from older men
2.       Death
3.       Shyness
4.      Shame
5.       Names
6.      Growing up
7.       New experiences
8.      Friendship
9.      Poverty
10. Sisters
11.    Family
12.  Esperanza’s name
13.  Family differences
14. Neighborhood
15.  House
16. Lack of confidence
17.  Nicknames
18. neighbors

Questions?  Predictions?  Wonderings?
1.         Speak one at a time; otherwise, it’s not really a group academic discussion.
2.       Answer one person’s question fully before we move on to another.
3.       Acknowledge what someone says, either overtly or with body language.

Quiz, then Quiet, Independent Work Time
1.   Take quiz #2.
a.     Craft specific answers.
b.    Use your text and annotations for help.
c.     Use a detail from the text to go along with YOUR point. Prove your answer is the correct one.
d.  This will take two to three solid sentences per question.
2.    Turn it in at my candle, and pick up the last section of the novella.

Homework for Tomorrow
1.      Finish your quiz.
2.   Read and annotate Mango, pages 65-91.  Stop at 91.  I want to read that chapter aloud and in class together.
2.     Start to fill out the Character Chart on page 7, but I won’t take it for a homework grade until Thursday.

Reading Reminder—Annotation
Ø  Please annotate the following items as you read, in addition to your own brainy comments.
a.     Mark metaphors and similes with a symbol.
b.    Ask questions
c.     Comment.
d.    Make inferences.
e.     Motifs (an idea or object that appears repeatedly)


Monday, December 16th, 2013

When You Come In
·      Please put your name in big letters on top of “It’s Greek to Me,” then turn it in by my candle.
·      Sign in.
·      Study quizlet for five minutes—we’ll take the two quizzes after that:  2:05.
·      After you turn your quizzes in, please peruse the WORDLE assignment in the AP google doc folder.  Thanks!

BackBone Literarature:  Greek Mythology—
Questions, Resonances, Echoes
·      Why is it EVERYWHERE, still, after thousands of years?!
·      Motifs
·      Archetypes

Note:  I’m putting all our class review here:

Review from Friday—what do we remember?
1.           Iris
a.         Goddess of the rainbow
b.        Messenger of Hera (similar to Hermes)
c.          Conducted souls to underworld (similar to Hermes)
d.        Styx river connection?
2.          Aesclepius
a.         God of medicine and healing
b.        Son of Apollo
c.          Staff with snake = modern–day physician’s symbol
d.        Healed so well he brought back a person from the dead; Hades was mad; Zeus killed Asclepius, but then made him into a constellation
e.         Invoked in Hippocratic oath
3.         Pegasus
a.         Winged horse
b.        Made into a constellation
c.          Result of Poseidon and Medusa’s mating
d.        Friend/helper to various heroes
4.         Amazons
a.         Fierce women warriors
b.        Highly skilled with bows
c.          Daughters of Ares
d.        So dedicated to shooting arrows they cut a breast off to shoot better
e.         Didn’t tolerate men; opposite of phallocentric
5.         Centaurs
a.         Half-horse, half-man
b.        More serious than satyrs
c.          Skilled warriors
d.        Liked to celebrate

Presentation Order for Round #4
1.      Hecatoncheires                    
2.     Sirens                                    
3.     Harpies
4.     Hydra
5.     Chimera
6.     Sphynx
7.     Cerebus
8.     Medusa
9.     Minotaur


·      Wordle!  J

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