Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

AP English Peeps
Howdy, and Happy Tuesday!
September 18th, 2013

Due:  Onomatopoeia Poem, in class google folder, by 1:55.

I am home sick today, but I hope to see you tomorrow.

Please stick to the times I have here.  Thanks!

1:58-2:08--Journal Quote (Today’s Theme:  Poetry)
·      Write for ten minutes on ONE of the following quotes. 
·      Write the quote you’ve chosen at the top of your journal page

 “Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.”
 --Plato, Ancient Greek Philosopher (Athens)
Born    c. 428–427 BC
Died    c. 348–347 BC

 “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”
--Robert Frost (poet, 1874-1963)

 “Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.”
--T.S. Eliot (poet; 1888-1965)

Review:  How can we respond to a quote?
Ø  COMMENT:           Disagree (in part or in whole).
Ø  QUESTION:           Ask a question.
Ø  COMMENT:           Agree (in part or in whole).
Ø  LANGUAGE:          Respond to both the LITERAL and the FIGURATIVE meaning.
Ø  CONNECT:                        …to something in your own life or experience.
Ø  CONNECT:                        …to something else you’ve read or viewed.
Ø  Start at 2:00         End at 2:10

Journal Entry Explanation
1.      Share with a NEW person today.  Write your partner TWO specific comments, and aim for academic language in your writing.
a.     At least two detailed sentences
                                      i.     Agree.
                                    ii.     Tell him/her if the journal made you think of a new idea/or something you hadn’t considered.
                                   iii.     Add on to an idea he/she says.
                                   iv.     Compliment their vocabulary—diction!
                                    v.     Disagree, respectfully.  J
                                   vi.     Create a spiffy illustration (like a crouching cat).
b.    Signed by you

1.      Get in your Vocab War pairs.
2.     Update your Vocab War grids.
3.     Total your team points.
4.     Write your team name on the board, then the total team points you’ve earned so far.
5.     Go to google and print a copy of “AP Vocab #2”.  (Just send ONE person down to pick up copies, while the rest of you guys start looking up words.)
6.    Look up each word in an online dictionary, THEN go to, like we’ve been doing in class. 
7.     Write a clear definition AND two synonyms on the back of your card
8.    Bag your words, and put them in your folder.  I will check them tomorrow.

2:35-2:50--Impossible Thank-You Letter Poem Brainstorming
1.      Create a new heading in your journal with the above title and today’s date.
2.     Brainstorm a list of people you would like to thank. 
3.     After the person’s name, write ONE SENTENCE that tells what you want to thank him/her for.  (COMPLETED YESTERDAY IN CLASS)
4.     TODAY, RIGHT NOW:  Select ONE of these people, and make a list of all the things you want to thank them for.  Be as specific as you can.
5.     Pair-share with a new person—have them sign your journal margin!  Tell them:
a.     WHO you’re thanking
b.    what your “big idea” is
c.     what you’re excited about at this point in preparing to write the poem
d.    what you think will be a challenge in writing the poem
6.    You will show me this tomorrow for a daily grade.

2:55-3:20  Quiet, Independent Work Time

Metaphor Challenge (tie-in with page 6)
·      Find the strongest metaphor on the face of the planet, or at least a phenomenal one that grabs you by the throat.
o   Metaphor:  a direct comparison of two unlike things
o   Simile:  a comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as”

Here’s my nomination:

“How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me.
It's like a book elegantly bound but,
in a language that you can't read.
Just yet.”
--Death Cab for Cutie, “I Will Possess Your Heart”

Due Date:  Thursday, 9/19, 1:45, saved in the google doc “Metaphors” folder.

Vocabulary-Building:  Free Rice
1.     You need a big vocabulary to write precisely and to comprehend what you read.
2.     Change your level so that it’s at your best level, or a level or two below that.  DO NOT START OVER AT LEVEL ONE!  L
3.     Make sure you are playing IN the group, or your points won’t register with me.
4.     Play until you have 20,000 grains, or until I call time.  Thanks!  (Due Monday, 9/23 = 20,000 grains)

Welcome to Creative Writing!
Ø  Happy Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Hello.  I’m home sick today.  I will hopefully see you tomorrow.

You are working independently—no jibber-jabbering (You know who you are.)--today on the following tasks.  Stick to the times I’ve listed.

11:25-11:45  Reading Assignment (Twenty minutes)
Ø  Remember when you told a story in just six words?  Today, you’re going to read some short stories that are exactly fifty words long. You’re going to see how every word has to count.
1.     Go to our google drive class folder, and read the file called "Fishback--50 Word Stories I Like"--Begin with the end in mind!  This is what your assignment will look like when you’re finished.
2.     Go to the following link:
3.     Browse these stories, and enjoy!
4.    Find three that really speak to you, that spark something in you, that you like.
5.     Copy and paste them into a google doc, including author and title.
6.    Type one sentence after each one explaining why you like the story.  FOLLOW FISHBACK'S MODEL EXACTLY!  THANK YOU!
7.     Save it in the class google docs folder called “Favorite Fifty-Word Stories” as “your last name--Fifty Word Stories I Like”.

11:45-12:05, and 12:37-12:55--Writing Experiment #8: (Thirty-Five Minutes)
1.      Select one of the following non-fiction prompts, and follow the directions.
2.     500-word minimum (not maximum); put your word count next to your name, please
3.     paragraphed for understanding
4.     honest attempt at clean editing
5.     Shared with me by end of class (or by classtime tomorrow, if you need to work on it at home tonight).

12:55-1:15--Diction Practice = Free Rice (20 minutes)
Ø  Reminder #1:  Make SURE you click on the link on my blog for your class, and make sure that your class group is showing in the right corner of your screen when you play.  Otherwise, I cannot see your grains, and you will not receive any points.
Ø  Reminder #2:  Do not restart at Level 1 every time you play.  Start at the level you stopped at yesterday. 
Ø  DUE DATE: 20,000 grains by classtime Monday

E-mail me at the end of class today with the following:
·      What level are you on in free rice?

·      How many grains do you have?

*   *   *   *
Howdy, College-Prep Reading!
Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

I am home sick today, but I hope to see you tomorrow.

Please stick to the times I have here.  Thanks!

1.      Get in your Vocab War groups.
2.     Update your Vocab War grids.
3.     Total your team points.
4.     Write your team name on the board, then the total team points you’ve earned so far.
5.     Cut up your vocab words.
6.    One person quiz the other two.
7.     Bag your words, and put them in your folder.

8:30-8:45--Myth Connections (google)
1.      Peruse others.  Copy and paste ones that jump out and grab you by the throat, or ones that making you think.  (I’ll model how to do this; then you have fifteen minutes to do the same.)
2.     You need at least ten different trio connections on your own doc.
3.     Don’t cut, only copy!  Otherwise, you wipe out someone’s google doc!

8:45-9:00--Exam Review
1.      Go to your class folder, and click on the Mid-Term Exam Review.
2.     Go over it as a class, and discuss any questions.  Logan, can you lead the discussion.
3.     E-mail me with any questions.
4.     Determine exam day—Thursday or Friday?

9:00-9:35  Classwork then Homework
Work individually—no big groups.  You are supposed to have your earbuds today.
1.      Dark Ages Viewing:  For classtime tomorrow, watch the three segments listed below (thirty minutes), and take notes--on the same doc you’ve been working on for the last six segments--about the important milestones, turning points, people and dates.


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