Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Sign in.
2.     Open your Musical Memory and Earliest Memory poem in google and LEAVE THEM open on your computer.  Then shut your computer.

1.      Four days of class remain (including last day for portfolio viewing).
2.     Portfolios are due TUESDAY, MARCH 19th
3.     If you need a piece of writing that I have, put your name on the board by the flag, and I’ll talk to you today or tomorrow.

Conference with Me at My Table
Musical Memory and Earliest Memory Poem
Ø  Open BOTH theses pieces in google drive, so that when I call you back, you are ready.  Do NOT come back to my desk and then say, “Oh, hang on, I don’t have those pieces open.”

Perfect Moment (First Draft)
1.      Today, the first thing you want to do is review your Perfect Moment Prep Sheet (pink page 62).
2.     Look at the Perfect Moment Rubric on page 64 with me. Review it, so you can begin this assignment with the end in mind.
3.     Create your rough draft of the Perfect Moment (one paragraph, two at the most).  Print it, but don’t go get it.  I’ll send one person down to get them when we’re ready to peer conference. 

When you’ve typed and printed your first draft of the Perfect Moment, go on to the items listed below:

Revision:  Poem #2 (This is your fourth and final revision.)
Ø  Get out your manila folder, please, and pull out the second poem you’re revising, the one that needs lots of work.
Ø  Revise!

Other Items to Work On
1.      Revise more on your four graded revisions (due Monday).
2.     Revise other pieces that need smaller changes to ready them for your portfolio.
3.     Make edits—cosmetic corrections—to any piece going into your portfolio.
4.     Re-read the red portfolio pages, so you know what you still need to do.
5.     Start your portfolio reflection (due Tuesday).

10:55--Perfect Moment Peer Conference
1.      Get the sheet entitled “Perfect Moment Memoir Draft #1 Directions” off the front table.
2.     Complete a peer conference.

3rd and 4th
Ø  When you get your Sense Poem back, MAKE THE EDITS on google drive BEFORE you print for your portfolio.
o   Mason, share yours with me on google drive.
o   Chris Holt, ditto.
o   Tanner Knupp, ditto.
o   Elaney England, ditto.

Ø  Revision #4 (Poem)—not any that have already been substantially revised!
Ø  Portfolio

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