Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Welcome to Creative Writing!
Thursday--January 17, 2013

When You Come In
1.      Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
2.    Pick up the handout called “Poetry—Commenting, Revising and Editing” from the circle table”.

Vital Information About Class
1.      The Blog:
2.     Bookmark this site now.
3.     Take the oath of I-promise-I'll-never-come-in-and-ask-you-"Did we do anything when I was absent yesterday?"  :-)

Around the Block—Sharing and Peer Conferencing

Peer Conference Preparation
1.      Take a look at a sample peer conferences--solid examples of excellent conferences. 
2.          The only thing I want you to do differently is comment on google drive, typing, instead of on a paper copy of the poem, in writing.
3.     Discuss how to COMMENT on google drive.  I’ll use Matt’s Autobio Poem as the guinea pig.
4.     Read the Poetry—Commenting, Revising and Editing sheet.
5.     Put a star by three questions you want answered about your poem.
6.     Type those three questions at the bottom of your Around the Block poem.
7.     Share your poem on google docs with the person I assign you.

Peer Conferencing
1.      Read your partner’s three questions, so you know what they most want you to comment on.
2.     Using the COMMENT function, make at least TEN comments on each other’s poems.
3.     When you think you’re done, count your comments in the right margin, to make sure you have ten.
4.     Finally, answer each of the questions your partner typed.  Type your answer underneath each question.

Vocabulary Variety Handout—for all those occasions when everyday vocab just won’t do!

Revising to a Second Draft
1.      Read your comments, then make at least ten revisions to your poem to make it stronger.  Here’s what you can do to revise:
a.     Add words
b.     Delete words
c.      Switch words and lines around
d.     Take out one word, and substitute a stronger one
e.     Make a strong title.
f.      Make all your line breaks strong.
2.     When you think you’re done, click on “FILE”, then “SEE REVISION HISTORY”.  Count how many revisions you made—do you have at least ten?
3.     Share it with me (“Kerrie Willis”) on google docs so I can read it AND edit it.
4.     Bag your computer.

When You Finish:  Reading Assignment (page 6) and Earthbook
1.           Read and relax .  (This means you read for enjoyment.  J  )
2.          If you’re reading a piece, and you stop enjoying it, turn the page!
3.          Did you find a piece you though was really strong?  Or really funny?  Then record it on page 6. 
v  Can we finish this today?  Or do we need another fifteen minutes tomorrow?


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