Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Welcome to Creative Writing! 
Happy Monday—January 28, 2013

When You Come In
Ø  Please initial next to your name on the clipboard.
Ø  Start organizing your green turn-in sheet material.

Organization                                                       (5 minutes)
1)               Reflect and write.
2)              Staple (after making sure everything is in the correct order).
3)              Place your packet in your name folder in the file cabinet.

Writing Assignment:  Free Write #3       (10-15 minutes)
1.      Write for ten to fifteen minutes in any format, over any topic.
2.     Use page 11, if you need help getting ideas.
3.     If you run out of steam on one idea, draw a line, and start a new one.
4.     Keep writing constantly—do not sit and think (or space off, but tell yourself you’re thinking).  J

Writing Lesson:  Choosing Precise Adjectives (p. 17)   (time varies by class)
1)      Revise the sentences here to create a precise image in each sentence.
2)     Trade for two smileys and initials.
3)     Trade THREE TIMES.
4)     Share your STRONGEST answer when your number comes up.

Writing Lesson Reminder:  Diction
Ø  Vocabulary Variety (pink handout)
Ø  Find me a PAIR of synonyms (words that mean the same thing) whose meanings put different pictures in your mind.
o   Ruffled and wrinkled
o   Shiny and glossy
o   Blood-red and garnet-red
o   Furry and fuzzy
o   Pack and jam
o   Crash and smash
o   Overloaded and heavy
o   Ivory and pearl
o   Bright and flashy

Class Discussion Question
Ø  How did DICTION affect your writing of your original six-word memoirs?

Ø  Read your favorite six-word memoir aloud when I put it on the screen.

Portfolio Reminder    (20 minutes)
Ø  I’ll show you some projects from the past.
Ø  You might see a project that sparks an idea in you.  If you do, WRITE IT DOWN! 

Ø  None

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